I would say three things matter. Filament diameter needs to be 2.85mm and good shops will note the actual size of their 3 mm filament. Second is the diameter needs to be consistent and good shops will spec it to you usually +- .05mm. Third is quality. Probably if you don't meet the first two the quality won't matter as it will jam. If you meet the first two, the third is subjective and depends on a lot lot temp, humidity what you are printing, how fast etc. filament from well known, respected sources will be more consistent.
So iI would say yes it matters...
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Dim3nsioneer 558
To my personal experience cheap filament, coming mostly from China, is not worth buying. I recommend you spend rather a few bucks more on quality filament which you will enjoy much more as you have not half the issues as with cheap, brittle and too thick filament.
There are plenty recommendations here on the forum from e.g. gr5 or illuminarti about quality filament available in the USA. Just google it using 'site:umforum.ultimaker.com'...
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