So I know that you guys SET the printer to go to 250mm/s (That's the max speed according to daid's build me marlin. So anyone claiming to build at 300mm/s is suspect) but do you know if it actually reaches that speed? What is your minimal layer time and what is the largest build you have tried at this speed? 250mm/s is VERY fast I mean it's even faster than the speed my UM travels at which is quite huge; I can't imagine how you can print at that speed without massive vibrations happening during infill. Surely the look ahead feature of marlin will slow the printer down automatically so you don't actually reach that speed?
Pray tell, do you notice your UM making travel moves with a higher pitched motor sound when you are printing? That would be an indication that you aren't actually printing at 250mm/s. Do you have any videos of your ultimaker printing at 250mm/s?
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joergen 2
I had good experience with laying down solid infill layers at 250mm/s and 0.2mm (0.56mm nozzle), which helps if you are building a solid part. skin/outer loops seem to have a limit of 75-100mm/s, otherwise skin defects start showing (ABS, 250C)
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