Steven any word on your order being delivered. I ordered mine around Nov 28th and hearing you are still waiting for yours scares me a bit!
Steven any word on your order being delivered. I ordered mine around Nov 28th and hearing you are still waiting for yours scares me a bit!
Nope, still haven't hear anything.
Ya I ordered mine on Nov 21 and still havent heard anything
Hi Guys,
Any news on your order yet?
If you are still looking for an update please send me your ordernumbers and I will see what I can do
It will probably be over the weekend until I hear back.
I advise anyone ordering in North America to go through Dynamism. They get new stock in every week.
Hi Guys,
Any news on your order yet?
If you are still looking for an update please send me your ordernumbers and I will see what I can do
It will probably be over the weekend until I hear back.
Hey SandervG,
Still no update on Status of my order #r337542762.
I just noticed that ultimaker is making an announcement on Jan 6th. I would like know the status of my order because I potentially might want the new version instead depending on price and time to get it. In other words hold off shipping till then.
Please let me know if you have any idea on the status of my order. You can also email me directly at
Thank you.
I asked my colleague to put your order on hold so it won't get shipped out.
They will notify you about our announcement on January 6th so you will be able to decide what you want to do.
Thank you for your time!
Hey Sanders,
I was wondering if I could get anupdate! On Jan 6th I decided to keep my order as is and was talking to another person through Ultimaker named Sabrina and around this time she said it would be shipped. I was wondering if you could see how much longer it will be. I am doing my best to have patience, but I have been excited to start using the printer since November.
I also hope you enjoyed CES! Must have been quite the experience.
orr# #r337542762
Hi Charles,
Thank you for your post.
Of course, I have send out a request for more information, and I also asked Sabrina to get back with you.
Once I have more information, I will let you know or I will ask Sabrina to give you that information.
Expect an update soon
Thank you for your time and patience, have a great day!
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stevend 0
I'd say your friend got lucky. I'm in Canada too and ordered my Ultimaker 2 on October 30th (almost 6 weeks ago), but it has yet to ship.
If my order is any indication of the current lead times, you may be waiting a while.
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