Thanks for the info mnis. I remember seeing that Bondic stuff years ago but I never bought any because I thought it was too expensive. Looking around on Ebay it seems the fly tying stuff is the most common. The prices seem quite high for that as well (I feel like I'm getting ripped off...). Meh, I guess I'll just have to bite the bullet and try some and see if I like it.
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mnis 11
I want to say: Try it.
I use for example BONDIC ,already for a long time, mostly for minor repairs. I want to say it's the best invention since chocolate. Similar products from other vendors will work just as well, I think.
+ Complete curing within a few seconds.
+ It is very suitable for fill small cracks.
+ It is suitable for fixing (... such as vibration protection) of small electronic components.
+ It can be molded into small transparent (... smooth-walled) molds.
+ It has very good post-processing features, it does not require specialized methods.
+ Multilayer connections are possible at any time.
+ Specifically, the BONDIC is available in two different viscosities.
- It is absolutely unsuitable as a contact adhesive on smooth surfaces.
- Restriction: Only Wherever the UV light reaches, it can be used.
Check out some videos on YouTube, for example:
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