omg.... the quality !!!
I particularly like the "extended" stud feature. That's a "special" extra, which together with the dripping head, will combine together to help create some very artistic effects.... along the lines of - you go to print one thing and something entirely different gets created :-D
Swordriff: yeah the real possiblites lies in multi-material extrusion, even if i am more intrested in combining ridgid and flexible materials in the same print than printing dissolvable support
I agree this will nock down the parts and bleed filament between the heads. The bleeding between the heads is common on the dual head extrusions.
I'm confident they will come up with something but it will be a next gen product. Their sales seam to be going well on this product so I don't know what the push would be for them to continue with this aged machine and move onto a fresh design.
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chrisr 18
lol! they may want to include the four little black plastic spacers for the knurled bolts at some later date. As is, that head should produce some "intriguing" looking prints.... :-)
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