does it do the same if you dont trigger the change material?
does it do the same if you dont trigger the change material?
is there something I could do to fix this or just wait on another update?
The material change wizard makes an "end of print" retraction of 20mm.
The default for the plugin is 5mm... this is a huge difference...
So - what happens...? The plugin retracts 5mm and pauses the print. The material change wizards retracts 20mm at the end of the change process. After resuming the plugin (respectively the gcode) reverts it's retract of 5mm... (needless to say: it has no clue about the other retract value).
The solution: change the retraction amount for the plugin to 20mm and it's fine again...(after reslicing of course...)
To tweak it a bit further: i noticed still some oozing during the pause and got better results with even 21mm.
BTW: if one uses the pause function of the firmware: it makes an additional retract with the amount of the "normal" retract setting (the same as during a print) - but this is another story....
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gr5 2,294
Nice catch. I think if you wait 1 to 2 minutes the stepper driver power will turn off. Not certain though.
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