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Posts posted by owen

  1. When you are struggling to get your prints to stick on glass it's hard to make them stick without getting this 'Elephant's foot'. When you raise your nozzle slightly you avoid this but then you start to get lifting off the bed and/or the bottom surface not totally filled. Kapton sticks better than glass but isn't as nice to use so you can more easily avoid this but you have the other trade offs, takes longer to be able to remove your print, you have to replace your tape periodically, especially if your bed isn't perfectly level and the nozzle bights into it.


  2. The original ebay link for the couplers has expired. Would these be a good option, or is there a better retention mechanism?



    I'd say they would be OK.

    I got some that have a single screw onto each shaft that look like that and it seems to work fine.

    Only done the Y motor so far (for a month or 2 now)

    I've just finished my X motor bracket so I think I'll put it on today.


  3. Awesome work once again Simon. Thanks very much. I'm fairly OK with using the Arduino software etc. but if I run into trouble I'm sure your blog will help me out.

    One question though does the version of Marlin with Cura have the fix you submitted for retraction?


  4. I think your platform may not be real level.

    Zero your platform and then using a piece of paper under the nozzle at all four corners adjust the screw so it takes a bit of pull to pull the paper out from under the nozzle. Do it for all 4 corners and go around again.


  5. Okay, thanks Owen.

    I haven't played with Netfabb much at all yet, because I haven't had the time to figure it out yet. I like that it is more customizable in print settings than Cura, but it is not very intuitive, and the lack of tool tips make it a pain to get going quickly.

    Do any of our Ultimaker gurus here have some print profile settings they could start me out with?

    It seems to be overextruding for me as well. Very visible on the first couple layers of perimiter passes, where you can observe a bunch of overlap.


    Hi Lars

    I couldn't upload a file. So here is the text of UltraFilled.reprapbuildstyle




    <name>09: Ultra quality - FILLED OBJECT</name>































































































































  6. Hi James

    The quickest way to see some finer results is print a bit slower. Other than that you could try a layer size of 0.06. You can look through the forum to see what settings other people have used on there prints. After that though it's really experimenting. Different models benefit from different settings.


  7. Hi ji11

    you won't blow your stepper motor if it goes wrong you'll blow the driver board

    You can look up the spec sheet for the driver and it shows a pin that you can measure a voltage from that is proportional to the current. It's quite hard to get to though.

    Easier to follow the wiki and adjust in very small increments going by sound. The stepper motor growls when too high and misses steps when it's too low.

    Important not to turn it up too high. The driver board will blow very quickly, believe me I know :-|.


  8. Hi 70mm/s is faster than what I usually print at (50 mm/s) but you should be able to do it no worries. I'd check your hobbed bolt is clean and in the right spot and the thumb screw is adjusted for good grip but not too much. Your temperature sounds OK but you could try at 220-230 for that speed.


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