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Posts posted by owen

  1. Should I try changing the thermistor settings until I find one that is the closest?



    That's what I did. Mine is still 15 degrees out but it's consistent and working OK so I'm sticking with it. You may find a closer match with yours. You can put an entry in the Thermistor tables of the firmware too I think but I've never seen instructions or bothered going down that path. Another thing you can do is adjust your 4.7k resistor.


  2. Hi Intensewalkera

    It looks like you're under extruding by a fair bit which would be giving the delaminating problems. I doubt it is temperature though if you used to print at that temperature.

    Unless your E steps per mm has changed you may have a blockage (possibly a plug or clogged nozzle) or your extruder is not pushing enough filament due to lack of grip on the filament or other cause.

    Check and see if you get reasonably deep marks imprinted on the filament, if not you may need to adjust it or clean the bolt.

    Check if you are squashing the filament into an oval shape in the extruder, which makes it hard to push through.

    For the blockage turn the temp up very high and push some filament through by hand for a bit.

    Otherwise you could take the bowden tube off at the heater end to see if there is a gap or plug there. I like to do this step last as it's preferable not to take it apart here if you don't have to.


  3. Click on the Machine tab and then choose Ultimaker(Volumetric) from the machine type drop down

    You don't calibrate it, that is the idea of volumetric printing

    You just need to have your E steps set correctly in your firmware or in your Gcode


    M92 E835


  4. Hi Daid

    I have screwed and glued the piece of wood between between 2 arms from underneath. The screws are self tapping screws screwed in from a 45 degree angle at the corners where the arm meets the wood.

    Also in my pre Gcode I move the nozzle to X100 Y0 and the push the platform into it 1mm and then back away. This is to overcome historesis. That is if you push the platform down and release it will come back to a different spot then if you push it up and release.

    So this makes it so you are always pushing it down slightly and releasing before the start of a print.



  5. Hi Daid

    I'd like the ability to do multiple things after n layers from the start but not repeat


    Extrude a bit more first layer

    Go slower for first 2 layers

    other people like to turn the fan on after a few layers etc.

    Other than that nice tops like Netfabb would be good too

    Most all other abilities and settings in KISSlicer I like

    I have 64 bit windows so haven't been able to use Cura yet so looking forward to it.

    Happy to be a beta tester too.



  6. I don't think your problem is common. I think you've been unlucky. If you don't change fan speed during your print you could put code in your GCode header to make it run slower. M106 S255 = full speed. M106 S128 = half speed etc.


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