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Everything posted by Daid

  1. It most likely is slicing. I've just found out that a certain piece of code can take a long while (minutes) on high poly models. Depending on how the model is made. This process is done before the progress bar starts to fill. If you see a progress-bar, it IS working.
  2. I've uploaded an 13.05.1 to http://software.ultimaker.com/Cura_closed_beta/ This fixes the SD card copy problem on MacOS. Puts the 'combing' paths more inside the model, removing the outside scaring of models. Removes one more problem with odd order of doing infill lines. Add the overhang view again. Solves the problem with the "spool part x3". Adds a 500ms delay before starting slicing so you don't see 10 restarts when changing settings (this was already intended and implemented, but the delay was wrong in 1ms instead of 500ms) Fixed the GCode preview to look pretty again (rounded corners) I've also looked at making triangle infills instead of square infills, which in theory would be stronger. But I haven't got the results I want yet.
  3. For the connection issue, most likely your user needs to be added to the "dialin" group or it won't have read/write access to the serial ports.
  4. I don't want to kill your enthusiasm. But I've been pretty clear about the "translations" for Cura. They are nowhere near a priority. I do not think Cura is mature enough for it, as texts are changing quite often. And I do not find it important at all, as all documentation, users, and the whole 3D printing world is in English. (As for the "only X% of the world population has English as native language" argument: Wikipedia clearly states that English is the "most widely used language in the world" http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/English_language)
  5. While I don't mind people pointing out nice models for prints. It's not odd that we question your motives. You drop by out of nowhere, saying "look at this nice model to print", we go to the site, see some nice renders. Then we might decide to print, oh wait, price tag... that's not what was "advertised" in the initial post, and people feel cheated. I think, not 100% sure, you're also trying to increase the amount of view we have on the competition. Which is good. More eyes the better. But just do it honest and open, that's what Ultimaker users expect. Finally, there is the pricing. $30 is not much for a "game ready" model with textures. However, we 3D printer users do not have a use for textures and for us the model is 1 use, not an assets in a game (unless you are printing a board game ;-) ). Which gives it a total different perceived value. To gain more "3D printer users" it might be interesting to set a different price for just the STL file (this doesn't include textures and animations)
  6. hi there I am having some troubles slicing this : http://www.thingiverse.com/thing:10219 in 13.05. it slices well in 13.04 but It totally ignores halve the model in the new software. I found this problem. It's related to the "normals" of the model, which are not all in the same direction. I've updated my engine to handle this properly. (As workaround you can most likely fix it with netfabb cloud service) Good catch! I do like problems like this. As I think the slicer should do it's best job possible, even if a model is not 100% proper. If you can share the STL file, that might help. Yes, you are missing the C++ engine from https://github.com/Ultimaker/CuraEngine But you'll get a big fat "access denied" error, because I haven't released the C++ engine sources yet. You can copy the "CuraEngine" executable from the current available release. Make sure you are using the 13.05 version, it has some changes which will effect these results.
  7. The beta is using OpenGL shaders. Looks like your notebook is not supporting shaders. As for that model Bob. It's an interesting one, I'll have to investigate.
  8. For models like these I highly recommend the 13.05 beta version: software.ultimaker.com/Cura_closed_beta/ It will do a better job at the walls, and might solve the lower slab problem (But of that I'm not 100% sure)
  9. The bed sink feature will be visible again in the next version. One of the small things I noticed that where missing and fixed. (Overhang view is also missing) We've also noticed at UM that the combing is causing some scars at the outsides, I've done some tests and I managed to prevent this, but now it doesn't always comb properly. So I have some more things to fix.
  10. I fixed an issues yesterday related to the erratic infill movements. We've had some models where it would start in the middle with the infill, and then jump between doing a line on the left, and then a line on the right. I discovered the problem in my algorithm and fixed it. (This was caused by the update to remove the zig-zag problem where it could start at the wrong point of the line) The layerview indeed currently does not have the 'rounded corners' that the previous version had. I've rewritten all that code (it was a mess in the old version) but I haven't got around to implement the rounded corners yet.
  11. I see someone 'liberated' a poster from our stand at FabCon ;-)
  12. There are no 3D drawings. Everything was drawn in 2D in Illustrator.
  13. Video was shot, most likely they are a bit delayed because of the makerfair.
  14. For those that want to test. I've uploaded a 13.05 release to this location: http://software.ultimaker.com/Cura_closed_beta/ Consider it a public beta right now. Note that this 13.05 will NOT be the final version. I noticed the Mac version has an issue with coping files to SD cards. So be warned on that, the windows installer misses a feature to map AMF files to Cura. (oh, yes, Cura can load and save AMF files now) I build this version with the hope to it being the final version for release. But the SD card copy is something I cannot ignore for Mac. The "skin" feature will return later. It's quite complex to implement properly. The increased quality that the SF skin offered doesn't work very well with all types of objects. So I want to do this a bit better, but that will take some time to lay out properly. The 13.05 version has an "infill speed" option in the advanced tab. This can greatly reduce the print time while keeping outside quality. I personally still prefer to print everything at the same speed, but now you can do it different if you want. The "skirt" settings have moved to expert, due to the brim option you hardly need to adjust these settings anymore.
  15. The next release will support this (not with the arrow keys yet, that is on the "todo list", but you can drag objects around with the mouse in the next release)
  16. Not sure what you mean by that, as loaded files are always centered on the platform on load...
  17. The due has 3.3V IO, so you run into the same issue. Also, most of the firmware code is not written on top of the shitty Arduino API, but on the AVR registers, and thus will not work directly on the due.
  18. The thin wall issue is also something I handled in the new update. It was pretty high on the priority list as it's the nr2 reported problem (after speed and memory issues, which are also handled with this update) I need to make some final tweaks, write some manual texts, and make a nice list of changes. I hope to do so before the end of next week.
  19. Odd. I've never tried sprinter myself (as we use Marlin), one of the things that could be it is that it takes a while for sprinter to be start-up. If you use pronterface, how long does it take to connect? (Pronterface uses very long timeouts, while those of Cura are pretty short)
  20. On the released version 13.04 there is no way to "close" a file, there is always only 1 file open at a time. (The Owen suggestion only works in the unreleased new version, which he is beta testing)
  21. Do I once again have to explain how completely idiotic this request is? Multithreading is not some magic powder that you can throw on something to make it faster. Also, if you followed anything on Cura development you would have know that the new version I've been working on is 30 to 100x faster, without multithreading.
  22. If a X shift came from the new engine, then you could see it in the GCode. But I'm 100% positive that it was something else and not the engine. I've printed the owl at FabCon without any problems. Something i would like to know from the testers is, do you think it's near ready for a release? (After I've fixed the expert menu problem on MacOS, which is quite annoying for the Mac users, and a few other small things). Because I'm having this feeling that it's good, sure it can be better, it always can. But at some point I have to release something. Else I'll be developing forever.
  23. The top piece is to save in production time and improve production quality. The wood part no longer needs to be chambered after lasering (which sometimes did provide the proper result and thus more parts that needed to be replaced). The rev3 assembly instructions still use the wood part that you have: http://wiki.ultimaker.com/Ultimaker_rev.3_assembly:_Extrusion_head
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