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Everything posted by Daid

  1. It's not Windows7 related, but related to the electronics of the Ultimaker. If you are unsure or uncomfortable what to do, do not hesitate to contact support. They will help you out.
  2. Like said, it highly depends on the printing speed and the model on how "off" the estimates are. But yes, it's a known problem.
  3. You can always do "right mouse button" -> "print with usb" But if you think there is a problem somewhere, then some more information then "help, it's not working!" is better, as you know, that gives me something to work with. Else, I can only say "works for me"
  4. I have to admit, it takes a while to get used to it. But after that it's all awesome-sauce from there. I did have a good laugh at a colleague today, we checked out some difference between the 13.04 and 13.06 release, and he spend a good minute trying to delete the object from the platform in 13.04 :-)
  5. This should be pretty much impossible by design unless the firmware is doing something wrong. Could you check the first layer's F values in the GCode?
  6. Just so you know, I do think it's a good idea, but it's a UI nightmare at the same time ;-) see NetFabb, I think it can do this.
  7. Better, I've commited some code that looks for older installs of Cura and copies your preferences from there on first run.
  8. Actually, I'm not sure of that. They are a big company designed around big expensive machines. Making a cheap machine is a whole different league. I do want to argue that Makerbot also does not know how to make a good cheap machine, most of their "innovations" where copies from other machines combined with marketing. But Stratasys doesn't know that, as they are not "in touch" with the market, buying Makerbot puts them "in touch" with the market. (that's how they think)
  9. As I explained on the github issue, the 0.5mm thin wall is 0.25mm in reality. Putting your shell thickness to 0.5, will make Cura put down 0.25mm lines, which it can put in inside the 0.25mm wall. That the thin wall is ignored is by design. What IS fixed, if if you have a 1mm thick wall, then there used to be no infill inside. Now there is, which solves a lot of issues for the "mechanical prints" people. The print button is an issue. I've put a fix in place.
  10. Difference between typeA and typeB is that typeA tries to keep some holes, while typeB will always get rid of all internal holes no matter what. This is exactly what the "Fix horrible" was designed to do, make models printable that would have been horrible to fix otherwise :-)
  11. Hitting PLA with a hammer shatters it. ABS can break if you hit it hard enough, but does not shatter. Nylon laughs at your hammer and stays in shape. An other easy test is putting it a bench vice, Nylon compresses and slightly deforms. PLA stays in shape but gets some tooth marks (I couldn't break it this way). I did not test ABS. All this was tested with Ultimaker robots printed with 12.5% infill on KISSlicer.
  12. I've found the problem for the Mac rendering speed. Might also effect some windows drivers, but not 100% sure. I'm also checking out the plugin problem on Mac, I haven't found the proper solution for that one yet, but I will ;-) I've also made a small update on the slicer. Right now it retracts on the outside if it's printing a part without a infill (because the final resting position of the head is on the perimeter), in my development version it moves the head inside the part so it does not have to retract on the perimeter, but is inside the part. This gives less scaring of the outside, and thus an improved quality.
  13. Looks pretty good. But, how is the retraction working? So far all "all-metal" hotends have failed our retraction-hell test, and blocking up after a few hours.
  14. On this issue. NO I WON'T REMOVE THE AUTO SLICING OR MAKE IT CONFIGURABLE. Asking for it nicely, crying, or even coming over to my house with pitchforks and torches won't help (But you will get an odd look from me for doing that). You can use 13.04 if you are not happy about the 13.06 release right now. But this won't help in getting the real issues fixed. First off, there where some issues with performance. Thanks to a few testers I managed to find and fix performance issues, only 1 was related to the actual slicing, which had to do with an interaction how the slicer was started and a virus scanner. And the SD card detection was giving some fuzz. This is solved in the .3 release, this mostly effected windows. but also made the Mac version act a bit better, however, due to a mistake I uploaded the wrong file and thus the .3 only went live this morning for Mac. Now, I just did a lot of tests today on MacOS. (as almost all "boohoo, auto slicing bad!" users are MacOS users now) And the slicing on MacOS is fine, it doesn't do anything to the performance. HOWEVER. There seems to be an issue with the 3D view drawing on MacOS, this is much slower then it used to be. I'm checking this, because it's odd (The 3D view is actually fasted then in older releases on Windows) I'll keep you posted.
  15. FIRST STEPS! You need to do the first 2 steps of the wizard, just click next 3 times, and then cancel. You don't have to do it all, Cura just wants to know what machine you have so it knows how large the bed it. You can cancel all the other tests and firmware updates.
  16. Something went wrong with the 13.06.3 build for Mac. I will fix it tomorrow.
  17. It's code that checks if there is a webcam, for the timelaps recording feature. Nothing to worry about really. It's the API that I use to check if there is a webcam, this needs to open it for a short period.
  18. Maybe I should make Cura not continue if you fail to do the first step in the first-run-wizard. Panning can be done with shift+right mouse button. All-at-once printing can be done with a gantry height of 0, or by having a object higher then the gantry. Retraction minimal travel is indeed missing, internally it is doing this at 1.5mm The never was a coordinate system?
  19. Ah, I see what you mean. The grid is there, but it's hard to see what is happening.
  20. But, it already shows a grid?
  21. I think they did it to overshadow the new Cura release. (On the serious side, I do fear for thingiverse)
  22. How does it retract? That's one of the major problems with the LayWood.
  23. Not sure why that is happening. Just as a 'quickfix' you can still get the old 13.04 version from http://software.ultimaker.com/?show=all At least you can print again then. I'll be checking into this issue tomorrow morning.
  24. If you see me running from UM, then this is what's happening. And I'm not running. I'm staying, and I'm quite happy right now about how things are slowly turning out. I wished that things could advance faster, but we all do, however, development takes time. Setting up a proper company takes time.
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