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Everything posted by Daid

  1. While you say you have already checked this, the most usual cause is a slightly lose pulley somewhere on the X axis. I recommend using a marker to put some dots on the axis and pulleys, this way you can see if they shift. I think your kit already came with some spare pulley screws in case one of them is bad. If you identify the lose pulley you might want to replace the pulley screw with a new one, some are badly machined and are better off replaced.
  2. I recommend some over-extrusion with 2.7mm filament thickness. And setting the "extra bottom wall thickness" to 15 in the expert settings also will help against leaking in the corners.
  3. Cura already does some dual-extrusion for almost a year now. (well hidden, not bothering you with it unless you need it) However, dual-extrusion has a heap of problems. Even after a year, see how little dual extrusion models and prints you can find. There is a reason for this, and that's the oozing problem that nobody solved properly yet.
  4. It's to square out the axis, it's easier to use then the 3B piece that's currently being used in the instructions.
  5. I actually develop in the ErikZalm version, the Daid version is old (but my broken builder still used it), the Ultimaker version has better defaults for the Ultimaker configured, and doesn't follow latest developments.
  6. My first reaction was "no way that's printed on one of our machines". It's amazing!
  7. Actually, the GUI is just as important as the engine. Skeinforge is a pretty decent (but slow) engine, however the GUI was total crap. KISSlicer is pretty awesome, but the GUI isn't that easy to use. Slic3r has a decent GUI and a ok engine. Which is why most UM people stick with Cura, because if it's ease of use. The different speeds is a whole discussion on it's own...
  8. I have a work-in-progress version that has the project planner in the main interface. It also figures out the printing order itself, and uses my new fast slicing-engine. It also allows you to drag&drop objects around the platform. The load button is the "add" button in this interface, and you can just click&select objects, and then hit delete to remove them. This all feels pretty much as you think it would feel, natural.
  9. On 12.12A it's located in Gui/sliceProgressPanel.py (guess why it had to be changed? ) But for support material a completely different path is used.
  10. For those people that do not read the GoogleGroup. The Kickstarter campaign for Doodle3D has launched today. http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/companje/doodle3d Help them finalize their awesome product! As the Doodle3D WiFi-box will be the start point for lots of awesome stuff.
  11. Most likely the new software will be released next month.
  12. I'm not surprised seeing how much I changed in 13.01 on how the slicer runs. Until my new engine hits, see dual-extrusion support in Cura as highly-experimental.
  13. Never got around to actually do this. Other things where more pressing at that time (like replacing the horrible RepG with Cura)
  14. I lost some essential files. And it's not my main priority. I have a corrupt database for something else to recover first.
  15. We silly programmers start at zero (for good reasons, but it looks silly to normal people) You need to set the "EXTRUDERS" define to 2 in Configuration_adv.h, else it won't work.
  16. I had a version that did dual extrusion support, this shows it: http://daid.eu/~daid/IMG_20121008_162633.jpg
  17. Older releases can be found at http://software.ultimaker.com/?show=all at the bottom. I'm not sure about dual-extrusion support material. I recommend starting out with dual color just to test things. It's easier to test alignment and retraction settings with dual-color. That should work in 13.03 as I tested it last week. You will have to tweak the nozzle offsets, as I've had multiple dual-extrusion machines to test on, and all needed slightly different offsets. As for NetFabb, I do not think they properly support dual-extruders yet. (But all my netfabb knowledge is hearsay) As for KISSlicer, no idea here. Most likely works once you have the correct settings and switchover procedures.
  18. Could be that I broke something in 13.03 in relation to the dual-extrusion support, I think it was working in the 13.01 testing version or the 12.12 release. So you could check out those. (Don't expect perfect results, there are still some problems with double retractions and wrong move locations happening with dual-extrusion)
  19. You don't want to raise the bed until you are sure you have cleaned the rest of the objects. So you could put a Z1 after the last move, but you better do not, else you will be at Z1 at the center of the object, making a blob at the center of the object. The first point after the end of the nextObject.gcode will be the first point on the skirt line, so it will leave the blob at the skirt then.
  20. There are ulti-evenings every 6 weeks, usually at Protospace. Other then that, June is a bit far away to plan still ;-) However, Utrecht is on my train communte route, and only 20 minutes by train from home. So I'm all for a meetup if it fits my schedule (and, free beer! ;-) )
  21. Are you using Cura? Then the platform should home to the top. If this isn't happening there might be something wrong with the Z top endstop...
  22. Always safely eject your SD card. I've seen people jank out cards without doing this, and it works 90% of the time. The other 9% of the time you end up with broken files. But 1% of the time you could end up with a permanently broken SD card. (On my previous job I had the joy of sometimes being allow to test things till breaking point, SD cards where found not suited for our goals because of how easy they break. They are NOT designed to lose power while they are being written)
  23. Well, as I understood. The NetFabb people are pretty much blaming the firmware for not working correctly, and the UM users are blaming NetFabb for not implementing retraction correctly. The truth is. They are both right, from their own perspective. But nobody really sat down and tried to really understand what the problem is. NetFabb is trying to retract while moving fast. For this to work, you would need a "proper" "G0" command in the firmware. G0 should be "fast move on all axes" where 1 axis can finish before another. So the retraction could finish before the X/Y move. However the firmware does not implement this and just does a G0 the same as a G1. Now this G0 behavior is not really properly defined anywhere, as wikipedia says that it could also interpolate the move (as Marlin does) Now, so NetFabb is somewhat right that the G0 is not implemented correctly for their use (just saying "the firmware is bugged" doesn't really help here) But the users are correct in that NetFabb is trying to do something with is not possible to do properly with the firmware. And the work-around is easy, just retract in place as everyone else does. The thanks for getting to the truth of this problem should go to Paul, as he explained me what NetFabb was trying to do in GCode. And that the NetFabb people where complaining about a bug in the firmware. With my own knowledge I could fill in the blanks and figure out what the real issue is.
  24. I would go for: Move to next object on the platform. clear_z is the minimal z height we need to make sure we do not hit any objects. G92 E0 G91 ;relative positioning G1 E-1 F300 ;retract the filament a bit before lifting the nozzle, to release some of the pressure G1 Z+0.5 E-5 F{travel_speed} ;move Z up a bit and retract filament even more G90 ;absolute positioning G1 Z{clear_z} F{max_z_speed} G92 E0 G1 X5 Y{object_center_x} F{travel_speed} ;changed to x5 for left edge G1 F200 E5 ;changed e6 to e5 G92 E0 G1 X{object_center_y} Y{object_center_x} F{travel_speed} ;changed to x5 for left edge This will ensure you won't hit anything. Else it ill go diagonal from X5 to the start of the print, which might or might not hit other prints.
  25. Which beta? 13.03 is available from http://software.ultimaker.com/ (The version that has a big ass BETA on top is something else)
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