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Everything posted by SandervG

  1. Another quick update; currently we have added another filter to the selection called 'following'. Select Latest > Following. Right now it is a starting point, in a way that it may reduce your view in topics that you don't want to keep track off. It doesn't have a distinction of unread posts yet. It will be improved/enhanced over time, but for the timing being you may find it useful already.
  2. In regard of information density, we are aware that this currently is a step back and we are looking for the best way to improve this. Most likely we should be able to make a step into the right directing during next week.
  3. Beautiful print! It looks like an ornament?, like that goes on a shield or so.. When are you going to test out the extended build volume?
  4. I would like to back @Didierklein. Without dual extrusion it isn't really necessary. Sometimes it is a bit of a tight fit, but you might as well could leave it out. When you have found the answer you are looking for, could you select a 'Best Answer'? This will help future readers with similar questions to find the answer that helped you faster. Thank you!
  5. I want to rule out any miscommunications or room for errors or expectations. Would you all say this description suits the filter we are all eagerly waiting for? 'We will also add a filter, that will enable you to see what the latest updated topics are that you are following, showing partially the latest reply, marked as unread. Followed by the 'general' new topics/replies. The filter settings you use will be stored so when you get back to the forum you automatically will have your accustomed overview of relevant information.'
  6. I posted a similar screenshot and reported that error a few days ago when the guy known as was first replying. If you already noted it then, nothing said, if you missed that back then you might have missed more and a reread might be useful Don't worry, I haven't missed a thing! I forgot to add that it was already noted. Since it was @personal-drones first feedback I also didn't want to demotivate him
  7. That is noted, thank you for sharing. I don't know if you have read the full thread (if not, brace yourself!) but that particular fix doesn't have our highest priority at the moment. Now that everyone can log in again hopefully we can go without '-TheGuyKnownAs..- Nonetheless, it will be addressed! Thanks!
  8. Thank you for your reply. Please allow me to get back on those points which I have missed in my previous reply. We are sorry about taking away the chat function. You are not the first to report this back at us, and it is on our list to reinstall. It may not be helpful right now, but perhaps it gives you some reinsurance that it will be back. If you are in need of a fast answer, you could post your question on our forums. Not always, but occasionally you have a reply pretty fast. Otherwise, for technical help we are also available by phone. If you are in the US you can also rely on our service hub, supervised by Simon (illuminarti). About the lost revenues, I fail to see how that has anything to do with the new community platform, my apologies. Would you mind elaborating? Who developed our website and community platform is irrelevant. They have worked on our request, if you want to leave any remarks you can send them to me in a DM. You could also leave them here, but judging by your tone of voice I feel the need to ask you to stay polite, thank you in advance. About Daid's job security, that is and has always been in his own hands.
  9. That is indeed a good point, I will include it in our to do list, just like zoom (which was also mentioned before.) For now I think you have found the best solution yourself already, by adding a link. Thank you, very cool print! No problems using Ninjaflex? I have also printed a watch from Ninjaflex, really cool stuff!
  10. Dear @Chipsample, thank you for your reply. I must say, I find it a bit difficult where to start replying on your post.. Reading it I have the feeling you are currently experiencing some difficulties, but not necessarily caused by the forum? All the content from our previous forum is moved to the new forum. If you are in need of help, and you don't want to see all the latest topics? Try the following: Is it hardware related? Go here:http://ultimaker.com/en/community/hardware/troubleshooting Help is just around the corner. If you want to save time, for now I would recommend to use the search option from the website, over the current one in the forums. Both work fine, but I hear from a few users that the community-search option doesn't always give the desired results so we have to look into that. The global search option covers both the support pages as the community platform, so there is a big chance it will show you the answer you are looking for. About your last remark about shipping times, these are the latest dates from HQ: small orders like spare parts, filament etc; 2-5 businessdays Ultimaker 2 is 2 weeks Ultimaker Original+ is 4-6 weeks Heated bed Upgrade is 6-8 weeks and the Ultimaker 2Go and Ultimaker 2Extended since we have just started shipping them and they are brand new products are at 8-10 weeks. If you have an order which exceeds these dates, please get in touch with us and we will make sure a mutual solution is found, like we always do. If there is anything else from your post which I have missed to address, please feel free to let me know. Thank you!
  11. Another hear hear! We could start another forum where we can dance and sing and discuss about 3D printing the way we like it. I would really want that place to be the Ultimaker forum though, the interaction between manufacturer and pro-users is so valuable. But if we can't find that here, perhaps we should start/find something ourselfs. @Blizz Bold didn't scroll up for me in FireFox @Daid, hope you'll be ok! So do we! I am looking forward to the days we are all dancing and singing again and our online lives are like a jolly 3D printed musical. In contrary of what some might think right now, at Ultimaker we do listen to what our users are saying. If I may refer to our initial topic on the previous forum, we mentioned gamification, which at the time was frowned upon. Noted. We still liked the idea and believed it could still motivate users but due to your feedback it influenced us to convert this idea, and right now it is only there on a very low level. On the previous forums we already had points and levels, but now they have different names and we added (just a few) badges. I also want to shine some light at what is going on and what will be happening in the upcoming days. After collecting feedback our developers have been working on some bugs that may not have been super visible on the front end, but significantly influenced how some things worked. We are now shifting more towards the front end, as you can see the problem has been solved which prevented users accessing the forums. The doors are open and everyone is welcome at this party. But, we have installed a bad-ass bouncer who is keeping all the spammers out, so no one is interrupting. Change is happening! Today we continue on fixing some other bugs, like fixing an error that occasionally popped up while uploading an image/print. Some other things that will be addressed are our moderator rights, uploading blogs and some tweaks in your profile. Being open, we can also tell you about some of the things that are up next. You will probably start seeing most of it during next week, but we will start on improving the notifications first. Merge the notifications that concern a single reply, that should prevent getting a single notification for a like, a tag, a quote and a reply, all for the same message. The notification should also take you directly to the corresponding message, not page one. And the notification should tell you who replied, or liked. We will also add a filter, that will enable you to see what the latest updated topics are that you are following, showing partially the latest reply, marked as unread. Followed by the general new topics/replies. Similar to the very popular view we all grew to like on our previous forum. The filter settings you use will be stored so when you get back to the forum you automatically will have your accustomed overview of relevant information. The feedback regarding information density also came across, don't worry, we are still working on this one on how to improve this the best way. We will let you know more once we have more news. Just so you know it is on our radar. Collecting and processing the feedback started when we went live and as soon as we believed we had a clear picture of what needed to be done we started planning and executing. Looking forward hearing what you all think. We still stand behind our vision, where the forum is a part of the community platform we are building. The community platform will allow a closer interaction with Ultimaker on various requested levels. We just need to make the forum a little bit better now. And we want to do this with you.
  12. Very interesting print! Would you mind elaborating on what exactly it is we are looking at? What did you do to post process? did you print everything we see?
  13. We'll get there! Plenty of expertise in the forums
  14. Alternatively, you can also see some density change in the infill at the top layer. What could also be is that 1 or 2 pulleys are not centrally drilled, like the hole is not completely in the middle. It is quite a hassle to check, but if we are totally sure it is not the short belts, it is something to look into.
  15. Ok, I think I already know. What you are most likely seeing is the following: During printing the printhead needs to build up pressure in order to extrude. When you are printing an overhang, the pressure can push the shell down a little bit because, in contrary of a wall straight up, it is only partly supported by the previous layer. Printing thinner layers could help. Sounds like a complicated explanation, hopefully it makes sense!
  16. By default, My print temperature will always go to 210. But I want it to always start with 200 or lesser. How do I do that in cura? In Cura you can set the temperature for your print. If you look at the image you can see I have set it to 200ºC in this case. When this print starts it will auto heat to 200ºC instead of 210ºC. These settings can be accessed through full settings.
  17. Well, based on the drawing and subscription I would say it sounds like over extruding, but that doesn't really happen that often. Are you printing with Ultimaker filament? What filament diameter did you set in Cura? Is your flowrate (in the tune settings) still 100%? Does it only look like so when printing, but in the end the surface quality is good? - or does it also leave strange artifacts on your surface?
  18. Congratulations! You must be one of the first to own an Ultimaker 2 Extended. Let us know how it works for you!
  19. Hi Simon, have you tried various PSU's to see if that makes a difference? Have you checked if all cables are still inserted? If only the back fan works, there is a fair chance your electronics are broken. It only requires 5V. For further assistance I would suggest to reach out to your point of sales, or our technical support team!
  20. What settings do you mean? For the Ultimaker Original+ you can select all the settings you need in Cura. So usually you shouldn't need to change anything prior to a print. But if you must know, you can create your own profiles in Cura. Most settings are saved from your previous slice. Depending on what settings you want to tweak you could also create 'a new machine' with your special settings. For the plug in, if you enter 6mm, the pauze will be at a 6mm height. For you you can not yet click on a place in your 3D view to select the spot where you want it to pauze.
  21. I am surprised no one uploaded this video so far! It looks like.. the spam is under control.. ?
  22. Yes, if you go to Cura change layer resolution to 0,06. How do you mean it is pushed against the object like rubber? Could you illustrate this with a picture?
  23. I would also suggest the short belts are the issue. Are the pulleys tightened sufficiently? Do you see any other artifacts in your print?
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