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Everything posted by SandervG

  1. Hi @cloakfiend, thank you for your message. I hear your worries but I don't share them. Just like someone else posted, we are the community and we have all put in a lot of work in it and made a lot of friends. Indeed, it is important to integrate the forum in the Ultimaker URL, it was silly that this wasn't the case before. While that is important, that was not the main reason. Main reason being that we wanted to build a bigger community platform integrated in our website, like an eco system dedicated for our users. The forum is part of this community platform, other parts will follow. And some of them are very very interesting If you search Ultimaker forum, the first hit is the community page which is also our forum. We are looking into maybe changing the page title so it is more obvious, but it can still be found through google. About the notifications, I have also had like 4 or 5 'ghost notifications', some were triggered because unapproved posts / spam, but not all. It is a bug we are looking into. Besides this, do all the notifications direct you to the right page and post? @shurik 'But how about to put just a little bit of sane thought and to bring not the last post in the thread but the last unread one, saving me time, trying to find that last read message?' How do you mean? Right now when you receive a notification and you have 5 unread posts it will take you to the first unread message and you can scroll down. Is this not what you mean? Thank you!
  2. Dear @Chrisw, Thank you for your detailed post. I am very busy at the moment preparing for Maker Faire Bay Area and 3D Printshow London so it took me a little bit longer to get back with you, my apologies. If you allow me to reply on your suggestions; the text editor window now automatically scales to your post, so that should help. We are working on a different overview which we hope to share with you all later this week, but it should improve the newsfeed and user interface. By sharing it with you we hope to optimize it before building and it will be a great match with everyones expectations and requirements. The time out bug has also been fixed. When an update to the forum is installed you could be asked to sign in again, but it won't automatically log you out. If you have any more feedback I would be happy to hear about them! Have you also seen this page, it shows what has already been fixed. Thank you!
  3. @Ultiarjan @nallath, please correct me if I am wrong but I believe in the first launch Pink Unicorn does not support dual extrusion yet. I would hate for you to loose time waiting for it when you could already start with CURA.
  4. @yellowshark, thank you for your post. I am sorry to hear that your participation has decreased over time, and I can only hope that it rises to its original level once some key features have been re-installed. Have you read through the improvements, and upcoming features? E-mail notification is certainly on the list, but first we need to improve the way notifications work at all. We don't want to spam you with 4 e-mails for 1 reply. This improvement is one of the first to be addressed, and email will follow shortly. The bug that was in the notifications that lead us to blanc pages is resolved, and everyone should be directed to the dedicated post! If this is not the case for any user, please report this to me directly. @Ultiarjan, how do you mean unresponsive? Did you have to press 'Post comment' 5 times before it posted, and it posted 5 times? Personally, I pressed it twice once, by accident, and it posted my reply twice. If it is the same bug, it is noted. @titus. thank you for your post and we are aware. Happy to say that bug has been resolved and we can now say the notifications have become much better! More updates coming this week!
  5. Send an email to our support team to see if there is something wrong with your fan or perhaps there is just an obstruction which we can pinpoint. The Ultimaker 2Go should also be like a.. ninja, fast and quiet!
  6. It usually is very strong, and very difficult to break. Have you already contacted technical support for a new part? If you have a laser cutter at your convenience, and 6mm Delrin you could also make yourself a new one. The drawings are on github.
  7. Can you (by DM if you prefer) give me more details on what phone/tablet you are using? Thank you!
  8. This is most likely when a spam post or new user makes a post, but it has yet to be approved. A bug which is noted, thank you for bringing it up!
  9. Yes please, this is the right thing to do. Ok, good to hear we are on the same page! (in contrary of what the notifications tell me, that we are on page 34)
  10. Here is the official list of requested, suggested and selected improvements to the forum. It will be a brief and efficient overview and we will update it after every launch. For a more detailed explanation of what changed, we will include a link and timestamp to a different thread where you can also participate in the conversation. Update June 4th, 2015 - Ultimaker bar. The blue Ultimaker bar will stay fixed in the top of the page. - Print card representation. Shows the main picture and amount of uploaded pictures too. - Text editor optimization. It scales automatically, option to adjusted manual and new font. - Best Answer. Moderators can select a best answer. - Embedded. Auto generate clickable URL's and embedded YouTube / Vimeo videos. - Bug-fixes. - Minor visual fixes. - Fixed migrated HTML. - New Tab. In a new tab it won't refresh your previous tab and won't make you lose content. - Information density. A quick win in information density. - Download Cura.Users who had problems should be able to download Cura again. - Stack replies.On the community dashboard we'll now stack replies from that topic. Read more about these improvements here. Update May 8th, 2015 - Preview post. preview the comment/reply you are typing. - Replies by / Replied by. show the latest repliers. - Notifications. guide you to the corresponding new post. - Pagination. show the first and latest 3 pages. - Sidebar community page. We changed the order of the community page side bar. - Likes. See who likes you! - Print filtering. Added a filter in the prints-section which sort on date. - Scaling text editor. Live auto-scale the text editor to your reply. Read more about these improvements here.
  11. @rigs @cor3ys would you be so kind to go back to your notification and save the link and send it to me in a DM? You can do this by right-click on the notification and choose save link. Thank you!
  12. Dag Steve, Bedankt voor je reactie. Uit ervaring heb ik geleerd dat het enige wat kan voorkomen is dat het bed-levelen lastiger gaat, als hij volledig 'offset' is. Maar wellicht valt het mee. Als dat niet is, kun je de Ultimaker 'gewoon' gebruiken, en zal hij misschien wat schommelen op je bureau. Bij deze mag je van mij dit weekend beginnen met 3D printen en zal ik technical support inlichten dat ik je dit heb verteld, dus daar hoef je je geen zorgen over te maken. Hopelijk verzacht dit de pijn wat, en kunnen we na het weekend zo snel mogelijk naar een oplossing werken. Zou je zo vriendelijk willen zijn in een DM je ticket-ID te sturen, dan kan ik je ticket opsporen en een notificatie erbij plaatsen. Alvast bedankt.
  13. Ok, an official update about the improvements that went live today!! I will also post a separate read only post, that will list all the fixes. Since this thread is ongoing, the other thread can be used as a point of reference to see what has been updated so far. For now, here we go: - Preview post. It is now possible to preview the comment/reply you are typing. When you are getting serious about the layout and pictures, this is a great tool to make sure every thing looks and feels as intended! - Replies by / Replied by. In the forum overview it used to show who the first participants are. This has now been updated to illustrate who the latest repliers are. By clicking on their avatar you are also being directed to the corresponding latest post, instead of their user profile. The first avatar after 'Replied by' is the latest reply, and so forth. - Notifications. In the future this is going to be optimized even further, but for now the notifications you receive will guide you directly to the corresponding post instead of the first page. If there are multiple replies, it will take you to the first unread reply. - Pagination. The index of the pages will be copied to the top of the page, to help you navigate through the forum faster. On a forum overview page the pagination will show the first 3 pages and the latest 3, instead of just the first. So it will look like this: 1 2 3 - 23 24 25. On a topic detail it shows the 5 nearest pages, for example: 1 2 3 4 5 .. 57. We're changing this to 1 2 3 .. 55 56 57 in the near future as well, so that it matches with the forum overview pages. - Sidebar community page. We have changed the order of the community page side bar. The new order will be: 1: Unanswered Questions 2: Events 3: Ideas 4: Print 5: Leaderboard. - Likes. If you get a notification that your post or topic has been liked you now can see who brightened your day by giving you a like. No more anonymous liking, you can see who your allies are! Remember your allies, because currently it is only visible through notifications. Later we will enable hovering over the <3will tell you your 'likers'. But don't like everything at once, because for now only the last 'liker' will show up in your notifications. - Print filtering. We added a filter in the prints-section which sort on date. - Scaling text editor. Not only do you have the option to scale your text editor, it will automatically scale to your text. It starts with the default size you are familiar with and it will extend according to the size of your reply. Because of the update everyone who is online during the update will automatically be logged out. This is necessary for everyone to use these improvements. Don't worry, it is not a bug. Our apologies for the inconvenience, but we hope that these upgrades will make up for it! We have also looked in the suspicious time-out bug, where during your session you would actively be logged out. We could not recreate it or find any traces of this bug after research. Although we suspect the few times this occurred was due to a system update (and not a bug), we would like to ask you to keep an eye out for it. If this does happen to you, report it to me with as much info as possible, so we can hopefully recreate and fix it. To be on the safe side, we recommend when writing long and important replies, to copy it before posting. Looking ahead we can also tell you what is up next, and we need you in the process! The information density has been a popular topic and we certainly have been taking this serious. We are working on a new design that will improve the user interface, and we want your opinion! You will hear from us in this regard somewhere next week! Looking forward to see what you think of these improvements! Edit: It appears that the notifications are a bit overly excited and take us to a futuristic page. We are aware of it and the developers are notified and occupied Same goes for some 'replied by'-links.
  14. Dag Steve, Ik heb je net een bericht terug gestuurd. Je had je bericht gisteren tegen 6u gestuurd, en gezien de druk van die dag en vandaag was ik er nog niet aan toe gekomen direct te reageren. Mijn excuus, maar de volgende dag is hopelijk zo slecht nog niet. Natuurlijk begrijp ik dat je zo snel mogelijk aan de slag wilt met je Ultimaker, en hoewel je voor de directe oplossing van je frame je de technische support afdeling nodig hebt, kan ik je wel vertellen dat dit je niet direct er van hoeft te weerhouden om je Ultimaker voor nu te gebruiken. Ik zal hier aan de technische afdeling vragen zo snel mogelijk bij je terug te komen, maar mocht je van dit weekend toch al aan de gang gaan laat je vooral niet tegen houden. Alvast bedankt, en een fijn weekend.
  15. Don't know if it is backwards compatible, but it would definitely be an improvement! .. and thank you!
  16. You can. Along with looking into migrating the follows, we are also going to look into migrating the pictures. So a solution may come from us, if you can not wait you can transfer old pictures yourself. Is this some kind of solution/answer for you?
  17. Hi Personal-drones, Thank you for your feedback, and staying on the positive side of things We should expect a release with fixes near the end of the day, so very soon now. - Who is liking my posts? Expect this to be solved today. - notifications still bring to the first page of a topic. Expect this to be solved today. - no notification e-mails. Why on earth, honestly. This won't be fixed this week. Enabling email itself is not complicated, but creating the options to receive it immediately, once a week or whatever takes longer. There are a lot of settings and options that are involved in this process. Enabling email notification it self is not that big of a deal, but right now it would mean you get too many emails (like you also get a lot of notifications). So first improve regular notifications, later email notifications. - no discrimination between read and not read. This is part of a filter that will be build after the faster fixes. Because it is so big and influential we decided to postpone it to after the obvious fixes. - the points mechanism is visibly flawed. The script that calculated the points need to be revised. Because it is not as important as some other fixes we did not prioritize this. I will publish an official list of what is addressed and solved. You can use it as a guideline, or beacon of hope In this thread I will publish what is coming up (next).
  18. You are welcome! This has been the easiest solve in a long time!
  19. Hi @Titus, I understand. You can also subscribe to the section 'Events and Meetings', so you get a notification when a new topic is created. Unfortunately, as we just discovered, this is foiled by a bug. But this should be able to solved fast, we are already working on it. This should help create more overview, if you follow the sub categories you are interested in? Anyway, at least until the new filter is generated.
  20. A heads up: I posted a new topic; the old forum is accessible; read only
  21. Hi Guys, We have opened up the old forum [read only], if you want to collect 'lost' information from your direct messages you can now access them again and retrieve whatever you need. During the migration it wasn't possible to reconnect all the follows from the old forum to the new one. If you go to My Profile > Content I Follow you see all the topics you used to follow. We are still looking into migrating all the follows (keep in mind, it is not yet clear if this is possible. It may be a yes, it may be a no), but if you need the interesting topics which you used to follow right now, and you have lost track of them or if you don't want to wait and go ahead and follow your most favorite threads you can now find and follow them again. If you copy the subject title or retype just a few keywords you are able to find your threads using the search function in the top right corner. small note: The search option on the forum still needs some tweaking, I was able to find all the posts I was looking for through the 'global search' function. I was able to find almost all the topics I was looking for with the forum search option.
  22. Thank you, I will add this to the bug list.
  23. @titus, I understand some users are currently suffering from a reduced overview of posts they used to follow but there is nothing wrong with posting the new Ulti-evening in Community; Events and Meetings, is it? Like, it should be posted there? I hope we can stay on topic here, and if you now go ahead and follow the Events and Meetings thread you will be notified next time. @Blizz, hopefully you will turn around some day soon. Reach out to me if you want to talk about it. @chrisr, without turning this into an ongoing discussion; I do my best to listen to everyone. This is not to be confused with being able to grant everyones wishes. There is an equal number of wishes and individual users. We have to find the best balance between everyone. We are not going back to the old forum. Besides that, I believe I also just shared a list of bullet points that are being improved as we speak, points addressed by you, our community. If there is a subject you feel I neglect, let me know.
  24. it works for me too.. Does it work for you on other tabs in your browser?
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