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Everything posted by SandervG

  1. It could also very well be the heat radiation coming from the heated bed. I am assuming you have an Ultimaker 2? Try to slice it at 60micron, a low printing temp like 190º and 35mm/s (if this works depends on each color or filament manufacturer, so tweak at will) and turn off the heated bed. Instead, use blue M3 tape for adhesion. Rotate the part with the overhang towards the (for the viewer) left fan, that may also help. Good luck!
  2. The log in problem should be fixed, in approx 1 or 2 hours. Same goes for the spam filter.
  3. If you shoot us no one can fix bugs or install new features.. just saying
  4. I am glad you are not taking Daid's advice @Shurik! *PFEW* Thank you @TheGuyKnownAsDim3nsioneer (quite a handful tag here..) Maybe I have already said it before, but I believe tomorrow will bring salvation and the log in problem should be solved. Same goes for the spam. Tomorrow should be a good day. I agree it is a rough start, rougher then anticipated, but I also believe it takes time for bugs to be fixed, missing features be installed and getting familiar with the new forum and (hopefully..) we will all be back in our original seats. Quite some work that needs to be done for this, but it will happen.
  5. (funny that even though you did not fully tag me, -you used sander instead of sandervG-, I still received a notification that I was tagged.)
  6. Even though working at Ultimaker is so much fun, we do need a holiday too sometimes. And with all the events we go to, my colleague had to schedule his holiday right after the launch of the community platform. (And I will be going a little bit later..) Some decisions I can make today, but as we have been working on this platform as a team, for some decisions I feel more comfortable to talk them over with my colleagues. To ensure we are always on the same page. Actually the same thing goes for the developer-team.. we had a big team working on the platform, but for the time being they also have people away on holidays and we are all working with lower occupation. I will share the list with you all later this week.
  7. Thank you for the feedback. Currently my colleague who I would prefer to discuss this with is out of the office this week. I would happily discuss this iteration when he is back. I personally prefer to add 1 line of what the last reply is about per topic. What do you think?
  8. They are on it, I am sure a solution should be found soon. There is not a lot more that I can say at the moment. I had a confirmation this afternoon that our developer would focus on this issue, so I assume he has. Fill me in what you mean by lost research. That shouldn't be the case and should be retrieved.
  9. Hi @Jokamo, if you have found an answer amongst these which answered your question sufficiently could you select one as 'best answer'? It would help a future reader to find the best answer asap and give credits to the replier after taking the afford of helping you out. Thank you!
  10. The developers which should be working on enabling you to log in are also responsible for other tasks, but currently mainly focussed on the forum. (but truth be told, in that area there is also plenty to be done) I said we (I) work 7 days a week, but we can't demand it from everyone (i.e. the developers) . So they are, with some flexibility, limited to office hours. Nonetheless, he should be on this issue today. Stefan, have you received an email already?
  11. Hi Chipsample, thank you for your post. If you havent yet, I was under the impression our developer would reach out to you today to solve your problem on a personal level. I don't know if I mentioned it, but we had a national holiday yesterday. And even though at Ultimaker we are used at working 7 days a week, we can not expect this from everyone Our sincere apologies for the inconvenience, I am sure it will be solved soon. In the meantime, I will double check with our developers if he has send you an email.
  12. Hi Reibuehl, Thank you for your reply. Whoops, sorry if my reply came across defensive! My intentions actually are the far opposite of "whatever you will say won't change my opinion". I hope that the changes we will make to the forum are the proof of that? (most changes yet have to be released, but we are working on those). That said, we try to be as flexible as possible, but we can not change our direction based on every opinion (or 10). It is a very difficult balance we have to find between choosing a direction and implementing our communities suggestions. Sometimes it is easy and we can implement suggestions and ideas, sometimes a request can not be fulfilled. I hope you understand. Well.. next time I will think twice before saying something about the vibe here. Lesson learned
  13. Hi Titus, I will try to reply as efficient as possible on your workflow and hopefully give you some insight in what the new updates will do for you. 1) Log-in will be fixed. 2/3/4/5) There will be a new filter for new posts since latest visit, with the option to mark posts as read, and filtering out posts/languages you don't understand. I think this should generate quite some overview for new posts from you? At @reibuehl, 1) RSS is on our list, but doesn't have the highest priority. 2) Log-in will be fixed. 3) email notification is also on the list for a fast fix 4) the best method for now would be: notification > last page > scroll down. Not ideal, but the notification bringing you to the appropriate comment will also be a quick fix Hopefully this will help you both for now!
  14. Thank you for your reply and contribution. Indeed, there are some community members who have outspoken opinions about not liking the current forum, and it is much appreciated as it will help us make it a more complete forum for everyone. But it is not the majority nor is it, -in my opinion-, aimed at our vision, but more at the lack of some functionalities, interruptions in their workflow. I am sure that once these new features are implemented it will be a completely different experience. I don't believe the community will die, we still have the same soul and participants as always. The housing, the structure in which we used to navigate has changed. But not the community. Like I also replied to Korneel, we are going to work along with the community members who are up to it, to improve the forum and include the features they are missing. But we are not switching back to a new/different forum. See it as an opportunity to collaborate, contribute and be part of creating the ideal, customized structure. I would also like to reply on your comment about developing it in secret and releasing it unannounced. I don't know about your involvement prior to this new forum, but in fact the new forum, its functionality and the development has been mentioned and discussed on our previous forum. I understand that whatever I say won't change anything about your opinion or some others, I am hoping the changes we will make, -based on our communities feedback-, will.
  15. I will give you a more detailed reply then. The intentions of my reply is find the reason of your discomfort or the discontent with the new forum. In my opinion I could influence your feelings in 2 ways, either explain why we did why we did and create understanding and insight, or change whatever creates your feelings and turn them into more positive ones. I have already tried to explain why choices were made and that this forum is part of a larger concept. That is also the same reason why we can not migrate back to the old/another forum. Instead, we will make this forum better. In that case, we are all happy, no? In order to successfully do this, we need an overview of the things that are lacking. We have already started developing these new features so we should experience improvement (hopefully) this week. In regard of your reply you address a few reasons of why this forum does not do the trick for you. For example; You have to dig around through spam; A better spam filter is in the works so you shouldn't have to worry about this for long. You have to log in every time; another fix that is on our developers desk atm, you shouldn't have to worry about this for long. Chat: Something that we are looking into too and will most likely be implemented soon in a rather basic but functional way. A filter on last visit + notification improvements are also in the works. Maybe it is difficult to envision it now, but by taking away these obstacles we think the forum will be more like home for you. There is no reason to compare it to the progress of YouMagine. Ultimaker and Youmagine both operate as separated organizations and have our own tools at hand. I do understand the train of thought, but we are pushing for fast progress so it shouldn't something to worry about. We understand the feeling you are trying to get across. Which, for some users is a slightly dissatisfied feeling. My attempts are to acknowledge them, and work with your feedback. Work with your feedback so in return hopefully to change your feelings towards more positive. My apologies if my replies have been to pragmatic. If I have missed anything from your original posts or something you want to know, please feel free to ask.
  16. Alright, I hear what you are saying. Hopefully the upcoming fixes will restore your workflow to a level that is comfortable for you!
  17. Can you share the details, possibly screenshots and details of your hardware with us? It would help our developers. If you want, share it in a DM with me. Thanks!
  18. Thank you for your reply. Helping each other is indeed a big part of our community, and with our new interacting structure we hope to stimulate this. Selecting a best answer gives credit to the 'helper', but also helps a future visitor. On the other hand, this is just an added feature to the already existing forum. By posting a new topic you can select 'Forum topic' and you can just post new products and methods just like you always did. Our coffee thread is still there, so is the general discussion topic. Do you miss something else?
  19. I am not saying there is anything wrong with phpbb or vbullitin, we have looked at various solutions before we started this project. But the forum is part of a community-ecosystem we are building and for it to meet our requirements the best solution was to be custom made. Merging those settings has been put on our list, since we also re-categorized the forums (in our opinions it makes more sense now, less double posts), some subscriptions may not exist anymore. Maybe that is not a big deal for merging, and we can do it, maybe it is. I can't tell you right now. I can tell you it is on our list for feedback to improve your experience.
  20. Why is that? Does the way the forum is categorized not make sense to you? This new forum should be more obvious where to find the topics you are looking for. All/Most of the old data is migrated, it is more efficiently categorized and the basic Q&A still works so what leads you to think you can't do much in here in contrary of the old forums? Even though the forum search needs to be improved, the website search option (top right corner) works very well. Looking forward to your reply.
  21. Hi Korneel, thank you for your detailed post. I understand your feelings, and I would be happy to give you an equally detailed reply in return but in the basis I could be short: Sorry, but hosting a new (different) forum is not going to happen. We still have developers available, and we are going to use them to install the suggestions we have collected from you guys last few days. A summary of the upcoming improvements: - Filter: New since last visit. - improve spam filter - fix remember me - a chatroom - improve notifications - store filter settings - improve forum-search There is more, but with these changes we are sure the forum will be much more to all of your satisfaction and expectations. @blizz, you say the forum is aimed towards beginners, but the people who 'run' the forum are not the beginners and are used to a more 'forumy' way. Could you elaborate on what you mean by that? How is this forum not appealing to our core community (except for the obvious fixes that have already been suggested and noted)?
  22. I noticed it too personally, it is on our list!
  23. New since last visit is pretty high up on our list for upcoming improvements. @gr5, you should be able to follow a category, and receive notifications when a new thread is posted. Keep an eye out if this is the case and if not please let me know! thank you!
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