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Everything posted by ahoeben

  1. If - like me - you cannot get the 5.5 alpha to slice anything, you may want to try disabling the new CuraEngineGradualFlow plugin.
  2. Yes, but it is not up to Cura to decide which GPU to use. You can normally select which GPU to use via the driver of the GPU. This should be a helpful article: https://helpdeskgeek.com/how-to/how-to-switch-between-dedicated-gpu-and-integrated-graphics/
  3. This should help you: https://support.makerbot.com/s/article/1667417981430
  4. Actually the path does not go outside the buildplate.; the brim and skirt are now truncated to the buildplate, precisely to prevent those grey areas that people did not understand. It is a feature, not a bug.
  5. The "Save as TFT File" functionality is provided by a 3rd party plugin, and it seems that that plugin does not let Cura apply its postprocessing to the output.
  6. I am sorry, I actually have no experience with the Conan workflow.
  7. I will try to reproduce your issue and see why this is happening. Do you have any other plugins enabled?
  8. Just to be sure: you can see the g-code commands or you cannot see the g-code commands? If you can see the g-code commands, then that's where the responsibility of Cura ends. If the gcode commands are there, but your printer ignores them, then that is up to your printer (firmware).
  9. Retraction amount is a per-extruder setting, and must be queried from the current extruder stack from cura.Settings.ExtruderManager import ExtruderManager ... extruders = ExtruderManager.getInstance().getActiveExtruderStacks() line_width= extruders[0].getProperty("retraction_amount", "value")
  10. You could try "Union overlapping volumes" in the "Mesh fixes" section.
  11. The little star is a mark to show that there are settings changed relative to the profile you have selected. These settings were loaded with the project. So, as far as I can see, the settings were indeed saved in the project and restored when you loaded the project. Can you elaborate why you think that you have to manually keep track of settings after saving and loading back a project file? Because Cura should save the settings with the project file (and as far as I can tell from the screenshot, it seems to do just that).
  12. That is exactly what Cura does, when loading a project file. Unless you told it to load just the models, and not to ask you again. In de General preferences in Cura, what does "Default behavior when opening a project file" say? Are you saving projects after making your tweaks? File -> Save project...
  13. There's an extended support blocker tool available in the marketplace: https://marketplace.ultimaker.com/app/cura/plugins/5axes/CustomSupportEraserPlus
  14. You are welcome! Note that the Sidebar GUI seems to be "addictive"; once you get used to it, Cura without the plugin is just a bit less nice to work with. The plugin always needs to be updated for new versions of Cura. I try to publish such updates in a timely fashion (normally during the beta period of a new Cura version), but sometimes you have to wait for a couple of days.
  15. I am sorry I made you feel condescended, I will stop wasting my time by further trying to help you. Good luck with your endeavors!
  16. To answer @Darinth's question, for the benefit of other people finding this thread, messages from UM.Logger should end up in Cura.log and the console output (with the --debug flag). If it does not, then the most likely reason is that the code is not getting executed.
  17. In your code, the actual processing is only executed if the script is run outside of Cura. That is what that line "if __name__ == '__main__':" does. The "# Multiprocessing" is just a comment and does nothing. Change this: if __name__ == '__main__': # MultiProcessing with Pool() as p: resultat = p.map(traitement_gcode_lineaire,liste_traitement) To this: with Pool() as p: resultat = p.map(traitement_gcode_lineaire,liste_traitement) Note that I changed the indentation of those two lines. This is important in Python. It would be better if you change the functions you define into methods of the class, but that takes more modifications than I care to do right now. I have not tested your code, but at least this way Cura should try to run it. For further questions, it is probably better to start a new thread than to tack onto a non-related 6 year old thread.
  18. There is no information in this statement that enables anyone to give you any help or advice. What are you doing? How are you doing that (post a link to code you are using). What happens when you run the code? How does it "not work"? Do you get specific error messages?
  19. I don't think there have ever been manual extrusion controls in Ultimaker Cura, since version 2.x. At least, I can't remember adding them; I could not get my head around a good way to handle multi-extusion printers (switching active extruders, showing the currently active extruder), and ran out of time and energy. You may have been using a different flavor of Cura before (the Lulzbot edition?)
  20. I think this is an oversight, resulting from using a low resolution display and possibly having a couple of plugins installed that add icons to the toolbar. One workaround would be to install the Sidebar GUI plugin from the Marketplace. It rearranges some UI elements, and as a side-effect it mitigates this particular problem.
  21. There is no user-facing way to control spacing and orientation when using Arrange all, in any version of Cura sofar.
  22. To my knowledge, neither of these issues are related to the Maximum Resolution setting.
  23. I really cannot answer that question, because I don't know what other issues you were having with the printer.
  24. I don't fully understand why exactly, but lowering the `Maximum Resolution` setting (under `Mesh Fixes`) to 0.2 or lower seems to fix the issue. See https://github.com/Ghostkeeper/SettingsGuide/blob/48b3c7902c6401cf43fffd14795947c74cd02275/resources/articles/meshfix/meshfix_maximum_deviation.md for more information about the setting
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