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Posts posted by drayson

  1. Just leave the z-axis with a a4988 or whatever is in there now... ... The effect while printing is negligible at most...

    Thanks for onfirming my (unwritten) assumption :-)


    regarding the  ESD packaging, .... and never saw any faults related to that...


    Already got an similar answer from Watterott - I´ll use them and we will see.

    Had some troubles with more sensitive parts in future where the packing was damaged, so safety first :-)

    I will post my experience as soon I have time to upgrade...


    Both metric and standard.


    Standard? Metric is the standard ;)I did make a barbarian to standard conversion plugin. you can find it on https://github.com/nallath/BarbarianPlugin.


    Hahaaaa.. great... I love such conversations :-)

    Looking hardly forward to see a beta as I would need the dual nozzle support for several projects for PVA...

    I assume that the beta will be published in the usual "closed beta" area - isnt?? nevertheless, count me in...

  3. [...] The problem of the original ones is that shipping is 10 euro :p[...]


    I had also a tough time to accept the fee but finally ordered 4 of them a few minutes ago to make my UMO shhhhhh... :-)

    Which heatsink / heat pad have you used???

    I ordered this one:


    hope this is ok... but any hint appreciated :-)

  4. Hallo zerspaner_gerd

    Du hast es dir schon selbst erklärt :)

    Die Wellenfeder ist eine Unterstützung und einer Sicherheit das der Düsenhub passiert.

    Und beim Druck wird das ganze nach unten gedrückt.




    Das schaut ja wirklich recht einfach aus... hast du auch die Ausrichtung der Düsen zueinander berücksichtigt oder ist es nur ein Anschlag beim Runterdrücken, der beide Düren auf der selben Höhe hält?

    Bei mir ist gerade das Ausrichten ein Thema weil - ja, selbst schuld - ich die Düsen nicht so, wie es UM vorgegeben hat hintereinanderliegend, sondern beide von vorne gesehen nebeneinander eingebaut und auch ohne Distanzholz verbaut habe.

    Eigentlich müsste der Düsenhub ja auch ohne WaKü-Teil möglich sein - oder?

  5. Na dann freue ich mich schon auf deinen nächsten Bericht :-)

    Bei mir wartet derzeit ne Rolle PVA darauf verbraucht zu werden und hier wäre eine geteilte Kühlung und Nozzlelift echt praktisch...



    PS: ich glaub, ich hab noch nicht verstanden, wie der NozzleLift funktioniert...

  6. Also ich bin begeistert.... Wahnsinn...

    wäre grad tierisch daran interessiert, das auf einen UMO umzusetzen. ne WaKü hätt ich noch rumliegen von einem alten PC, nur der Rest ist so eine Sache :-)

    Vielleicht könenn wir uns da ja mal im Detail dazu austauschen...

  7. Das ist bei mir so, weil ich einen mechanischen Düsenhub in meine Kupferkühlung integriert habe und die unbenutzte Düse 0.4mm weiter oben sitzt.


    DAS klingt interessant - gibt´s dazu schon Details hier im Forum oder wärst du bereit das näher auszuführen ? ;-)


    Ok, I've been looking over this some more and I guess the actual problem I'm having is this. Let's say you're making an M3 screw and nut. If I were to go by the numbers given by the wiki I would get threads that have absolutely no clearance between them. If you play around with any screw and nut you know that there is some tolerances involved.


    These work with eachother as well as with real fasteners.

    Also note, I'm using the swept cut method (not sure what other methods there are)


    That´s also the way I usually design screws for 3D-print in SolidWorks - unfortunately a workaround. I need it seldom so I had no time up to now to make a parametrized library object...

  9. We have builds that have more support for dual extrusion, but we have quite big performance issues (especially on Windows). We have fixed the stability issues.

    I don't think we will release with the current performance issues, so I expect it will be at least a month before we have a release.


    Good to hear - really waiting hard for it. Would be great to have a possibility to get a first view/trial despite the performance issues... Please keep us updated!

  10. Currently I redesign the "shield" which is placed between the laser itself and the cutting plate. It's more or less a tube which prevents to look at the beam and also assists in air directing but unfortunately I´m terribly sunk in work in office so progress is verrrrry limited...

    I will start uploading the printable parts which are finalized up to now to youmagine soon. Schematics I have to update as there were a few "hands on" changes, but they will follow too...

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