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Posts posted by drayson

  1. PT100: I ordered an E3D PT100 Amplifier board for the PT100 Conversion, and set the firmware to "PT100 Circuit from Ultimaker 2 Mainboard" This tested well. The wires on the PT100 are quite short, so I'm mounting the Amplifier board close to the end of the cable and extending a cable to it.


    Hi @thevoltmaster,

    sorry for maybe a stupid question - but: you hooked the PT100 to the amplifiere board and then... which cables do you mean need to be extended? the ones from the amplifier to the UMO sensor cable/connector? sorry, did'nt caught this...


    I'm thinking about designing a similar one and having it CNCed.


    I've already poked one of our hardware engineers about this. As far as I know (I'm just a software guy, so don't pin me down on this) it should be possible to back-port the um3 bed to the UM2.

    If there is a lot of interest for this, we could have a serious look at this.


    Take a look - guess, it can also be (community)ported to UMO/UMO+ too (of course, they're discontinued, but would be a nice...)

  3. Don't expect this from us, else you will be disappointed. We learned from the UMO that having too many different machines out there is a nightmare for support (from both a service side as well from a software side)


    Don´t panic, of course, I don´t expect it from Ultimaker :-) You did a great job on it...

    It was just a brain game as usual when something new appears and the budget is low...

    Nevertheless, understanding the mechanism is the first step...

  4. Ok... understood...

    But I meant, jut to use the mechanical setup... and a stupid connector for heater, sensor and fan cables...

    I guess if it is possible to mount a e3d on an UMO, it is also possible to port the mechanical parts of the UM3 to it... Worst case change the orientation if the print head or make adaptors to make it work (as for the UM2 head on an UMO).

    The electronics and related features of course are to be kicked out... Just a stupid connector for the heater and sensor cables. Heater specs needs to be checked, and the sensor type (PT100 amplifier board from e3d?), but thats something possible...

    It´s not about the intelligence I´d like to port, it´s about the basic setup. Everything else can be set via CURA...

    Could work, but it´s a lot of thinkering... :-)

    And of course, it´s just thinking... only ideas in my weired head :-)

  5. Basically, we should not reduce al the nice gizzmos of the UM3 just to the dual print. There are tonns of nice things on it, BUT...

    To apply just a plain head with core support, but without supporting all the electronics/intelligent features might work with of course a lot of thinkering... So just porting the plain head with the (mechanical?) nozzle lift and "stupid" cores...

    maybe a aftermarket option... we will see... :-)

  6. The UM2 is still my work horse; most prints do not need dual extrusion.


    Agree - even with my UMO dual extrusion, 99% of my prints don´t need a different support material or a second print material. The 1% done with PVA or PolySupport is a bit of work, but nevertheless, it´s still a reliable machine behind.

    And I guess, most UM2 or UM2+ users will feel the same...

  7. Damn... my whishlist for Santa is full of... stuff for my wife... DAMN...

    Think I have to remove her...... presents - of course... :-)

    Maybe next time they release something "whow" and "wana have", Ultimaker team could issue some hints at around eastern so we could start saving money early enough... ;-)

    I´m so curious...

    • Like 1
  8. Hi @gudo,

    Reading your posts got me thinking about the possibility of replacing the PEEK and PTFE parts of my UMO by just one PBI part with an integrated cooling profile similar to your hotend...

    Do you think this might work?

    Would be interesting to gain some temp for e.g. PC printing with the UMO...

    Btw. Where have you sourced the PBI?

    Greetings from Graz!

  9. @nallath, is there a way to overwrite the calculated print bed temperature?

    Currently, when selecting 2 different materials with different print bed temperatures pre-defined, it calculates the average, but I can't manage to overwrite/overrule it...

    Example: PLA: 55°C, Polysupport: 30°C => bed temperature setting: 42,5°C, but not possible to overwrite with e.g. 60°C

    Any hint on this?

  10. :-( ok, but I slice it for UMO...

    Additional info in the gcode for reading it with e.g. the editor might be good as you can quickcheck "older" files regarding needed material quantity or print time (e.g. for making offers...) when produced again...

  11. Hmmm.... would be great to have it also in the gcode file similar as in the old versions.

    I saw some setting information at the end of the gcode, but there is this info not included... :-(

    Maybe there is a quick hack for this available...? :-)

  12. Are you on a Mac or PC? Perhaps there is a formatting difference between the two? Just grasping here..

    There could also be copy/paste issues with taking it from this forum (like embedded 'required spaces' and such), so I've zipped it up and put it on a web site host:


    Hopefully this will get you a working copy.


    Thank you very much.

    I'm on a Win10 64bit system, but checked it also on my business notebook at Win7. Same behavior...


    Currently I'm on the way to the biggest airshow in Austria, so I will be able to download/test it earliest today evening :-)

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