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Everything posted by Montani

  1. Hi John, Sound like there is still some left in there. You could work around the cleaning wizards and play with the temperatures yourself. If you use white or transparent filament to clean, you can observe well if there is still something filament left. Are you sure you have cleaned it all the way? Good luck!
  2. Thanks this definitely helps to understand you motivations. I will take this feedback up in the development process of improving this feature and DM you with a proposal. If others are curious feel free to reach out to me as well. Im eager to learn from users and especially from our community :)
  3. Hi All, Im the designer on the S-line printers and responsible for the behaviour and functioning of the display interface. @Link was right, we do indeed want to keep the UI clean. However, the main reason was and is to first make an easy to use product for all users such as average office employees, students, operators, engineers and managers. This resulted in visual and text based explanatory touch interface. We try to prevent technical Jargon and details which increased the cognitive load for the majority. Now that we UI is somewhat mature we do want to allow user to have such technical details available as @sj3fk3 mentioned. @jkcz @Link @everyone To make sure I come up with the right design I'd like to understand the reasoning for having this information a bit better. So i'd like to understand about your deeper motivation why you would like to see this. Do you have insecurities that would be taken away or what kind of conclusions would you like to take by having such info? I really would like to learn from this and I hope you guys can help me out! Thanks!
  4. Material system is just as open as with the UM2+, so its easy to select your material profile in the UM3 and Cura. The spools tags just make the communication towards the whole infrastructure automatic and saves you the knowhow about materials and profiles, as this is done by Ultimaker.
  5. Ik denk dat je geen solid models heb, standaard voorkomend probleem met modellen die ui Sketchup komen. Zie deze post voor tips: http://www.mastersketchup.com/8-tips-for-3d-printing-with-sketchup/
  6. Hi new owner of an Ultimaker 2, Together with active community member Alexander Bannink we made two simple videos explaining you how to start and setup your Ultimaker 2. Super basic but it will be useful if you are a new user who never have seen this process. Unboxing video First time startup video
  7. Hi Jeremy! Thanks for pointing this out. There has been some changes in the boxing of the Ultimaker 2, unfortunately there is some delay in updating the physical manual. The online version should always been up to date and can be found under support on our website. Direct link => https://www.ultimaker.com/pages/support/manuals hope you didn't have any issues in the further unboxing and start up sequence with your UM2?
  8. Hello! my name is Menno, I am Interaction designer at Ultimaker. For the last weeks I've been working on the Cura User Manual, with the goal to give the already user friendly cura even more insight. https://www.ultimaker.com/pages/our-software hit the [view the manual] to check the latest version out. As we keep developing our software we also like to know what you're missing or what you need further explained in software and the manual. I'm curious what your obstructions, ideas and thoughts are about how cura is helping you to make a 3D print?
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