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Posts posted by Titus

  1. As concluded in multiple topics the always on problem for the fan on the hot end lies with the Darlington(UM1) transistor most of the time.So I got a replacement at the Ulti-evening and now I'm trying to desolder the broken one. But it's giving me a hard time.

    I've managed to get the bottom pretty much clear, but since there is a via, the top is also soldered. I'm not sure whether to snip the darlington off so I can try to pull each pin out individually and clean up with desolder wick. I'm afraid I won't be able to grab the pins anymore.

    Any advice?



  2. I'm able to print from SD cards yes :) Just hoping the chocolate printing doesn't involve real time control of your UM from a computer. Otherwise I guess ProtoSpace has some desktops that I might be able to use.

    As for transport, I'll have a look, the walk from Utrecht Zuilen is only 1km :)


  3. I've been wondering that in general, if someone asks you to print a design that was published as open source non commerial, are you allowed to ask for material/energy costs? What about time/effort to get it right?

    Anyway, /ontopic: what 3Poro mentioned could be interesting: having 3rd parties produce (quality!) spare parts, could make the people happy(cheaper, better availability), and release some pressure on the UM production line.

    I'm not sure if last is a benefit, since I have no clue what the business strategy is with regards to making and selling parts vs machines.


  4. Awesome! Count me in. I'll try to bring my 'new' printer by public transport, even though it still requires some tweaking, or is there someone else coming from somewhere Leiden/Den Haag/Delft/Rotterdam? Is there a place to sign up, or is a comment here enough?

    I don't have a laptop though, will that be a problem?


  5. This is actually a very usefull feature in my opinion. It makes sure your hot end is actually full of molten filament before starting to print. It has happened to me multiple times that it started printing without plastic coming out because I just changed the fillament and it hadn't reached the hot end yet. The purge helps you to make sure there is material coming out :)


  6. I had the same problem once, and I was scared because I think I found a heat sink in my room that looked like one from a stepper driver. After moving the head manually back and forth for a couple of times it seemed to work again. Should still check whether the heat sink was from the stepper driver though, didn't have the time until now.


  7. Wait, so it's not starting in the front left corner?

    That is a good thing, otherwise you will hit your freshly printed things. It should start either right front working to the back or right back working to the front, both going leftwards.

    If you look at the "tools" menu, are you printing one by one, or all at once?


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