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Posts posted by korneel


    either the heated bed has died but I'm putting my money on the flux.. try reheating the solder joints.


    In this case it would just not heat, right? Why would it shut down?

    Moreover, is 3.3ohms right?


    I've had a machine here that would also shut down as soon as the bed heated up because of bad connections. hence my suggestion and my correct guess of the age of the machine ;) seems machines that are now 1,5 to 2 years old are suffering from weak solder joints in the heated bed..

    don't know the Ohm's by heart to be honest

  2. thanks @Nallath and @SandervG because that was what i was looking for..

    i don't know how this spiraled into a warranty/guarantee conversation but that was not my original question :)

    I am very well aware Ultimaker is doing great when it comes to warranty questions or helping out with issues, regardless if a unit is or is not in warranty. there is no doubt in my mind.

    what i am however trying to find out, when should i start replacing which parts. right now i'm using the "it sounds funny, let's mail support" strategy which is not a viable long-term solution. hence my search :)

  3. Sorry but the law and interpretation of "remedy defects" means that they must fix a defect. So you, the consumer must prove that it was indeed a defect. If something break by use, it's not a defect. Unless you pay a notary to keep the hours time and check the use of each component vs the iso standards of each component. Sorry but that's the law.


    totally disagreeing again.

    especially in my country, we are talking about an expected lifespan of a product. if I buy a washing machine today, and run it continuously, doing full-load washes and the product breaks after 8 months, when I go back to the manufacturer, they will tell me that the people they marketed their washing machine to uses it in a certain way. i did not. the expected lifespan was X amount of hours and i totally went over it, so i am not covered by warranty. even within a year or 2 years of purchasing the product and they would be well within their rights.

    however, if i buy a washing machine, use it exactly the way they advertised and it breaks after 3 years, even though 1 or 2 years have passed, by law, they have to help me and compensate me at least partially unless it's a specifically mentioned wear and tear part, because a washing machine is expected to last 5+ years with normal use.

    that is the law.

    saying if something breaks because you have used it means there is no more warranty is absolutely not the case. it is expected use versus actual use when it comes to warranty.

    if I carry a consumer grade laptop with me all around the world and it breaks after a year versus a toughbook carrying all around the world, same kind of use but different kind of warranty handling.

    as for stuff that dies by use isn't covered by warranty is also not correct. everything will break at a certain point because you are using it.

    and yes, if i have a washing machine that i used in a normal way and the joint of my washing machine breaks after 1.5 years, i would have no problem at all getting that replaced under warranty UNLESS it is specifically stated in a place that i could access before buying the machine that this would break after 1.5 years or X amount of hours (that i reached).

    so I totally disagree with you. perhaps our countries handle warranty differently, but this is the way my country works. even better, I have given you some links to prove it :)

    but to get back to the real point, I really don't care about the warranty as such, I just want to know what can I expect of the Um2 as per expected lifespan..

  4. @korneel, if you drive a car for 100'000km per year (which is not unrealistic when you drive it for 3000h), you will need much more than one set of tyres. Meaning: 3000h is four months non-stop! That's extremely intensive! An UM2 is not an industrial grade machine, it's a hobby machine, please don't forget that...


    totally agreed.

    the thing is, with my car i got this great booklet that is telling me exactly that..

    I am not saying at all that i expect Ultimaker to maintain my printer for free for X amount of years, dón't get me wrong :)

    In the end, I simply want to know when to expect what to break. support seems to know it, some retailers do, just let me know as well :)

  5. Well the two years warranty in Europe it's two years for consumer products (toasters, tv). For electronic stuff it's 1 year plus another year. And that second year only applies if the consumer can prove that there's a fault on design (for example macbooks that prove to have a missdesign of video parts that overheat etc etc). So if the ultimaker where a consumer product then yes, but it isn't. Therefore you have one full year and almost infinite support by mail and via this forum.

    Ofc, the main advantage of ultimakers it's that all the parts can be found on other places. Pololu sells their motors, the board could be replaced for others, the hotend can be changed to e3d and others, and a long list of mods and adjustments that allow the user yo change the original design to keep up with the time. So in the long run, you could run it for many years. Ofc, stuff breaks, but you don't depend on ultimaker but also on many other sellers that can offer you a replacement that, with the help of a full open aource machine, you can adapt or exchange.



    I'm sorry but i disagree.. I've given you the references directly to the european law and the law is very clear


    Traders selling consumer goods in the European Union (EU) are obliged to remedy defects which existed at the time of delivery and which become apparent within 2 years. EU rules guarantee consumers a minimum level of protection, especially if the goods do not meet the standards promised.

    I cannot find the addendum that says


    unless you bought electronics then you're out of luck
    or something similar.. so that's kinda surprising to me. do you have a reference to that?

    especially since the examples on the european website all cover electronics;


    Sample story

    Non-conformity of goods is not always immediately apparent

    Mirek ordered a laptop, which appeared to work well. However, more than a year after buying it, he discovered that it had less memory than it was supposed to have.

    Although this problem had not been obvious to him immediately, and the laptop was still functional, it nonetheless did not conform to what was advertised or agreed when he bought it. Mirek was therefore able to obtain a partial refund from the shop.


    the second point you are making is very interesting. So you are saying it's not a consumer product? but me, as a consumer, has bought the product. It markets to "Professionals, Educators and Innovators".

    I am really sorry for not understanding, but my initial ask is basically

    "Hi company A. I bought product B from you. Could you please tell me, since it's been on the market for 2+ years now, how long is the product supposed to last and how many hours would that be?"

    this directly impacts warranty and other concerns.

    While I love the idea of open source and the fact that it gives me the option to go to other place, I should not have to rely on it for warranty. I should be able to go to company A. so back to the original ask, what is a reasonable amount of hours to expect out the UM2?

    the post from @skinny-kid really concerns me. if 3000 hours is the time at which a belt replacement is needed, which is quite a large overhaul to be honest and bearings need to be replaced, that means that if I buy the machine, and only print during working hours, (so 8 hours a day, max 5 days a way, some vacation days etc.) the printer would need that massive overhaul within 2 years.. If I would really use the printers, so run them 24/7, i would hit that in just 4 months.. seems kinda ridiculous to me..

  6. Ultimaker gives a full year warranty, except consumables like ptfe/nozzle. It's more than what you can find on other 3d printers.




    and that warranty collides directly with the European Union laws that state that a 2 year warranty has to be given unless the lifespan of the product is different..

    for example




    the reason I am so interested in this is that I want to know what to expect in the future when it comes to repairs. stating that you have a 1 year warranty is great, too bad the EU law trumps that.

    please note that in no way I am claiming that Ultimaker is not honoring or being customer unfriendly. to be perfectly open, I logged a case today, got told it was probably due to wear and tear and to be expected. they still offered me the parts for free even though the product was 18 months old and out of their own stated warranty without discussion.

    this did get me thinking.. I expected my UM2s to last me at least 2 years with simple maintenance (like nozzles etc.) but now i'm a bit worried. hence the simple question, what is the expected life of a UM2?

    I can't be the only one that has 9500+ hours on a printer..

  7. We don't have an expected lifetime that I'm aware of. With a product that is +- 2 years old (and a company thats +- 4-5 years old) much of this information simply isn't there (What kind of stuff do people print, how much, etc)

    I do think that most parts (save the teflon thingie) should easily last you two years.


    well, I do think it's a fair question in the end.. especially when it comes to warranty.. what can we expect from a printer.. is it 4000 hours? 10.000 hours? this seems very important information to know about the printer.

    fully appreciate you did not know when you started, but the Um2 is now here for 2 years, which means 2 years of testing could have been done..

    so we know a lot about the more general materials like the nozzle, the PTFE coupler and other components.. but what about the more mayor components i suppose is the question

  8. Assuming you did some regular maintenance I would say yes to the axes, the motors and the bearings. I could imagine the belts wear out earlier. However, in case of the UM2 I'm also not so sure about the axes as they are not the best quality. Oiling them regularly is crucial; if you forget, they will have a shorter lifetime due to their quality IMHO.


    yes, i oiled the axes once a month with a little bit of sewing machine oil.

  9. I suppose this might be a @SandervG question but i appreciate all input..

    background :

    I have several UM2's , my oldest is now 18 months old and has around 9500 hours on it's counter.. this means it has been running for 75 percent of it's lifespan.. I like big prints and I cannot lie i suppose...

    we've had the discussion around PTFE couplers and such but now i'd like to know... since this is extremely important for warranty and saving for maintenance:

    What is the expected lifespan of an UM2? I cannot find this anywhere on the website so I'm assuming if I buy a 2500 euro printer I should be able to print for at least 2 years before changing out mayor parts like bearings, belts, motors and axels..

    am I wrong in expecting 2 years of worry-free use of these mayor components?

  10. @korneel, to be honest, the information about Ultimaker to stop direct sale is not new:


    I guess everybody, especially the distributors, knew what's coming.


    well, I kinda disagree. The topic is about both support, as well as reseller for certain countries. to stop reselling in their own country and cut sales from their own website completely would be something that would be great to have been announced.

    also, it's not the fact that it happened that annoys me.. I agree with you, sure, the writing was on the wall and i believe it's a better system. the fact that it just happened over night without prior announcement and then the people who were supposed to step up, the distributors, don't have any stock.. that's a bad thing.

  11. @SandervG

    I do want you to be sure that you realize, and that you take the feedback of this, that, just like with the forum or the decision to cut dual extrusion or any of the other decisions taken so far, is not in the actual decision itself.

    sure it makes sense to have orders fullfilled by a party that specializes in it. i'm sure they could do it cheaper in the end.

    however, as multiple examples here show that

    1)the switch happened before the suppliers were stocked. the reasoning behind it is irrelevant. (seriously, because IT told you to switch sooner?)

    2)there has been little to no analysis on the impact to your customers (see examples from Labern and others)

    3)communication has been non existent until someone complained

    this happens every single time with every single change. it's not the change that annoys people here, it's the way it;s handled.

    by the way, regarding communication around changes, what ever happened to the "compensation" for the dropping of dual extrusion that was being looked into?

    anyway, I ramble. I think the general feeling here is that your largest users\consumers\supporters (and yes, i consider myself one of those) will feel the majority of the pain of this unannounced change while the one-time or smaller consumers probably won't notice..

  12. Hi Korneel,

    Hope you had a good time celebrating Christmas. (I hope everyone did!)

    Just saw your message, might as well just reply here so we all know whats going on.

    First of all, an official Company Update will come this week with similar information.

    Anyway, Ultimaker's goal is to service all of our customers locally, in their own timezone and language, with all the accompanying advantages. It is much more comfortable to order from one of our partners in your own area, supporting you in your own timezone and being able to deliver you the parts in a shorter period of time for much lower costs than we could ever offer.

    When 2015 was progressing less orders came through our own webshop, which was the (desired) result of the efforts we put in creating our distribution network. Less, but still alive, we had to maintain our webshop and logistic department. You can imagine that the workload and schedule of a logistic department varies greatly between a couple of large expected orders, or a lot of small personal orders. That ratio didn't compliment either side of the spectrum.

    For those reasons we move forward closing our own webshop and put our entire focus on our established distribution network.

    We put a lot of effort in selecting the best partners, so you can be assured that every partner will be able to give you the proper service and support.

    You can continue to visit shop.ultimaker.com until approximately 31-12-15.

    For those of you, for example @Labern, who's reseller is not yet represented on the map, or doesn't stock spareparts, a form is presented to you in which you can inform us what parts you need. We'll personally reach out to you and make sure you get those parts from the partner closed by. We don't expect to inconvenience a lot of users, since, as our data shows, most purchases and orders where already being done through our distribution network.

    @Korneel, in regard of Makerpoint, it can always happen that a certain part is out of stock. Our apologies for the inconvenience. We are working with Makerpoint to establish a reliable stock to reduce the chance of this happening again. Thank you for understanding!


    Hi SandervG;

    first of all, thank you for your reply.

    sure, it makes perfect sense! Having great partners that handle good and reliable distribution seems the best deal for everyone.

    It is however handled the same way much of the other thing customer-facing have been handled, which is without any prior notice (need i remind you of the forum debacle or the shipment times debacle?)

    look, I'm running one of the more succesfull 3d hubs in The Netherlands. I have 2 UM2s printing full time and looking to source another 1 or 2. the reason i have not bought extra printers is the sheer unreliable actions so far. and it's not just me, whenever i talk to other hubs they love their Ultimakers and are still annoyed by the unreliable way customers are treated. this is not new information and yet still nothing has been done with it.

    why would you inform people AFTER the move? why not tell people hey, this is the deal (and let's be honest, your explanation makes perfect sense), over the month of december we are moving to a new distribution system, we'll make sure it's all stocked and ready to go. instead, it was chosen to not do that, but do a switch during the holidays and not explain anything untill someone asked.

    still, i could live with this, it does not make the printers less good and i could have just filed this under the "things that annoy me but i still love my Ultimaker"

    this is the portion that is now pushing my buttons


    Anyway, Ultimaker's goal is to service all of our customers locally, in their own timezone and language, with all the accompanying advantages. It is much more comfortable to order from one of our partners in your own area, supporting you in your own timezone and being able to deliver you the parts in a shorter period of time for much lower costs than we could ever offer.



    Korneel, in regard of Makerpoint, it can always happen that a certain part is out of stock. Our apologies for the inconvenience. We are working with Makerpoint to establish a reliable stock to reduce the chance of this happening again. Thank you for understanding!

    so the main statements are that

    1)local partners would be able to be quicker and cheaper. sure make sense, let's test that:

    coolblue: only sells printers. if i buy the UM2 extended in the coolblue (the normal and go are out of stock) it's sold for 2999 euros including shipping. buying it directly is 3032,65. including 11,32 shipping. ok, so coolblue is about 20 euros cheaper. if that's my best price, i would rather buy it direct but ok.

    maybe makerpoint is better! wait a second.. it's 2292,95 euros for a um2.. that's about.. 0 euros cheaper than the ultimaker store.

    so far not really seeing a big change in pricing. however.. they do state that they are "almost always in stock!" or "with a short delivery time". so sure, i'll give you the shorter lead time.

    2)there should be a reliable stock. also makes sense, if i were to cut off my official store, i'd make sure my resellers had stock of the stuff that get's used! unfortunately only makerpoint sells accessoiries, and they sell them for the exact same price as ultimaker. no advantage for me yet.. let's test the stock:

    3d solex stuff : more expensive than the original store but in stock

    any of the stuff that can break :

    Um2 heated bet : not in stock, belts : not in stock, power adapter, not in stock

    and now for the things that simply should ALWAYS be in stock:

    UM2 heater cartridge : not in stock and unable to place in backorder! i can only reserve this for a physical store..

    hot end isolator: same story

    glass plate : same story

    hot end pack : same story

    nozzle + heaterblock : same story

    PTFE coupler.. guess what.. same story

    but thank god! i can order a bowden tube!!!

    thanks to the replies in the thread i went to shop.ultimaker.com and ordered 2 glass plates.. which were shipped to me today...

    so SandervG.. i might sound frustrated.. but if you look at my above post.. and place yourself in my shoes, someone who is running your companies printers for 24/7, making money out of them, the fact that you've secretely switched the way i should buy spare parts but then "forgot" or for whatever reason to actually supply them the spare parts.. how would you feel?

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  13. this morning when I tried to order some spare parts, i noticed the store is now gone.. i can only go to makerpoint or coolblue..

    this is not a cool move without any prior announcement..

    only makerpoint seems to have spare parts (I need new glass plates) and i can't seem to order anything from the webshop, I need to reserve it in physical stores.

    seriously Ultimaker?

    While I understand moving away from selling stuff directly (although a bit of prior announcement would have been nice) I am very annoyed that your official resellers don't actually sell your stuff...

    love to hear what I'm doing wrong..

  14. lol, i will admit I cheated..

    (PS, thanks for the praise mr. Nallath..)

    I expected the presentation to be in English, so no worries there. I present around 2 times a month for audiences between 150 to 15.000 people, including livecasts so i feel comfortable presenting.. especially on a subject I enjoy talking about :)

    @Titus , just crank up the temperature full power.. don't forget to park the head in a corner! keep feeding the nylon through until it comes out nice and smooth in a consistent color. then turn the temperature back down to below 80 (i use 30 since i burned myself quite a few times on the nozzle, and 30 doesn't burn me). the trick is to get the nylon back into it's natural state. if it's in it's glass state it's too sticky to get out properly. instead of dialing down the temperature you can also simply turn the printer off and on :)

    while the head is cooling down keep feeding the nylon through. you'll see this getting more and more difficult. and around 180 to 190 degrees you'll see it's now impossible to feed through. let it cool off and keep it in there for a couple of minutes.

    then, use a pair of plyers to pull the nylon out. this will be very hard. use the bolts on the head as leverage so you don't bend the axels.

    it will take all the junk out. if the nylon is very discoloured, it means there is more junk in the head so rinse and repeat.

  15. ok, unpopular opinion here;

    my experience (and i think i've logged over 20K hours on Ultimaker 2s by now) is that the feeder is just fine. not the best, not the worst and definitely not as bad as most people say it is. The nozzle is not more or less prone to clogging than any other printer.

    the only real problem I see with the UM2 is, especially in the beginning, the lack of guidance on maintenance. the PTFE coupler is a special beast, especially in combination with the spring setup. a worn out PTFE coupler will cause clogged nozzles, feeder issues and things like that. replacing the feeder with a design that can deliver more torque does not fix the issue, it makes it less visible.

    when using proper maintenance like testing the PTFE coupler at least once a month, cleaning the feeder regularly, if you use different filaments make sure you perform cold pulls, things like that, the stock equipment will give you great prints.

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