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Everything posted by MarcoUbtz

  1. I checked the bearings, the pulley, realligned the axes and thight the belts just to be sure. No differences. Some idea? I don't know anymore where to look for the cause
  2. I already use the TinkerGnome ones, I changed the pid from the menu on the printer. And yes, with bowden setup I have this issue too. Last week I tried also to test with a different hot end, same results. I just run the same gcode with 100%, 75% and without fan. Here are the results. From left to right, 0%, 75% and 100% fan. The one without fan is a little bit melted, but the results are nearly the same. Now I will re-check the head bearings, the pulley and the XY allignement
  3. Hello all, Since a couple of weeks I had a quality issue with my printer. My problem consist in something like over/under extrusion wich cause an ugly layer allignement in the z direction, or at least that would seem. I've done a lot of prints to search the cause of the issue, from the slicer, firmware until the mechanical side of the printer. Here are some pic The printer in question is an UM2Ext with olsson block and bondtech feeder. The materials used in those tests are all Colorfabb PLA except the white one that it is GreenTec. The quality is 50mm/s, 0.2mm layer, 200/210 / 55 degrees. Here is also the gcode I've already checked: - extruder PID - TFN/PTFE coupler is not worn - heater and PT100 are inserted until the end in the block - the PT100 has a fine accuracy - I've done a lot of atomic, all was clean - I've done different prints with different temp and different material, no quality changes - The spring pressure of the feeder is fine - The gear of the feeder is clean - I've done the same test also with bowden and the ZGE setup, the results were the same with the same issues - I tried different firmware versions with a factory reset betweet the switches - I check the e-step, the current of the steppers - I checked the eeprom parameteres with M501 - I tried different speed for printing, travel and Z moves - The tension of the long and short belts are good - The XY allignement also are good - The bearings are good too (I checked all the flangeds, linears and the bushings one) - I verified if the shaft (12mm, 8mm, 6mm) were straight too - I disassembled completly the build platform from the printer, the z screw is perfect, the bearing roll very good an the nut has an imperceptible play - I putted a 850g weight on the bed. no differences Yesterday I rod somewhere in the the UM forum something about the bed PID and the bang-bang mode, the thread talked about the 14.XX firmware. I tried to set the bed PID [kp=-124.55, ki=23.46, kd=165.29] and here is the result bed @60 bed@60 bed @0 forgot to apply the glue bed @0 the issue seems to have diminished but it is not disappeared. Now, after a lengthy explanation of the problem. How can I resolve this quality issue? Can someone help me to return the print quality to an acceptable levels? Regards, Marco
  4. I can help you, I bought it on ebay
  5. Yours Dual zge is really really impressive. All very compact and modular. WOW
  6. About the leaning's issue. I was thinking that you could move part of the T1's offset on the slicer. In few words I mean you might try to move the decimal part [or at least one part] on the offset extruder present in S3D and select "apply toolhead offset to g-code coordinates". The selection of "apply toolhead offset" is necessary to get a clean g-code and to not interfere with mark2's toolchange script. For example, after the calibration we have an offset like X [18.17] Y [-25.38]. We leave a setting similar to X [18.00] Y [-25.00] on the machine, instead in S3D we set an X [0.17] Y [-00.38] and we apply the toolhead offset. I think Cura requires the modification of the machine definition files because it doesn't have a similar setting. I did not test it because I am working with single. Do you think it could be a temporary solution?
  7. Ciao Umberto, Per trasferire il gcode dal pc alla stampante devi prima di tutto salvare il file, su Cura in basso a destra c'é un tasto "save to file" clicca e salva il gcode sul pc, dopo di che devi copiare/spostare il gcode appena creato su un unitá rimovibile ed infine inserire la scheda SD o chiavetta USB nella stampante. Se hai dei dubbi, dai un occhiata alla guida https://ultimaker.com/en/resources/20407-first-use-cura-2
  8. I just got a look at the gcodes, the only differences I have found are a constant -/+ 0.001 Tonight I will run these gcode to see if they give me a mistake too.
  9. Could this error be caused not so much by firmware or cura but by a wrong alignment in the slicer when it was imported? Slightly rotated around the X and Y axis so it was not more orthogonal than the buildplate. Had someone take a look at the gcode which gave these strange results?
  10. Improved 2.4.4.FFF with correct idle temperatures and different idle temperatures depending on the materials. https://www.dropbox.com/sh/nbc006f6ym2d6b9/AAD8J_Mv_j4y6Hq3KEtJRvcea?dl=0
  11. I made a version "only dual" too. It have idle temp depending the material selected. https://www.dropbox.com/s/ne6w9b30hok37a4/Mark2_2.4_Both.fff?dl=0 _Update 2.4.1 version with correct retraction in starting script https://www.dropbox.com/s/alwsjlwsbdsl91c/Mark2_2.4.1.fff?dl=0
  12. Ok, first of all, I have tested the latest profile only with PLA/PLA so you will must adjust the parameters, maybe you can take a look from the cura settings for PLA/PVA or other. I have some note about the new profile [Mark2_2.3.3], for you @RudyG and the other users. - The profile allowes different settings per QUALITY profile, except the PRIMARY EXTRUDER in layer-addition-infill-support tabs that are managed by the extruders selection [First-Second-Both] - The temperatures and the fan speed are managed by the materials selection as classic. - In Gcode tab, you must check yours build volume. Also, you MUST NOT CHANGE the toolhead offset for T0 [First head] or T1 [second Head]. The offset must be [00,00] for all tools. - Now is the turn of the Scripts tab. Depending on the extruder selected [First-Second or Both] S3D loads different script in "Starting", "Tool Change" and "Ending". This allows to use this profile with single prints. - Starting script. At the moment it is the same that there is in Cura. Except some additional retractions. The 4.50mm retraction help me to get a clean tool change with minimum oozing. If you change this retraction in "Advanced" tab, you must change also in "Starting scripts". You can also set to zero if you don't need it. The retractions are: T1 ; swap to the 2nd head [...] G1 E35 F150 ; purge slowly G92 E0 ; zero extruded length G1 E-4.5 F1500 ; retract <-- S3D'S TOOL CHANGE RETRACTION SETTING G92 E0 ; zero extruder G1 E-16 F1200 ; tool retract <-- PRINTER'S TOOL CHANGE RETRACTION SETTING G92 E0 ; zero extruder G1 X120 Z0 F5000 ; move away from the prime poop [...] T0 ; swap to the 1st head In my case the tool change retraction lenght is 4.50mm@25mm/s +16mm@20mm/s. I don't need extra prime, but I am not safe from some oozing. - Tool Change Script. The script is almost definitive. It contains the idle temperatures for inactive extruder and the heat up for the new extruder. This script is managed by the extruder selection and not by material selection so you must change idle and initial heatup temperatures depending the material. It is also possible to manage these temperatures by material selection but in single prints the inactive head remains hot. I will work on it. - The ending script is the same as Cura The additional commands in post processing are made from neotko https://ultimaker.com/en/community/7450-simplify3d?page=10#reply-160373. It would be a good thing try to set a lower acceleration/jerk when the second head is coupled. But at the moment I don't have time to study it. To concluding, you have to ADAPT some settings to yours printers, these settings works good for mine I don't know with yours. The 2.3.3 is not the definitive one, there are still steps to check and possibly modify. I would just like to point out that this profile is an alternative and NOT a substitute to Cura. _Updated version with correct retraction in starting script https://www.dropbox.com/s/qmt4nbuvejvkp07/Mark2_2.3.4.fff?dl=0
  13. For the moment, leave the "toolchange" tab empty as had suggested tinkergnome, soon I will finish the new S3D's profile for the mark2
  14. My english is not good, so sorry if you will not understand me at 100%. Practically, I seen there are some interferences between S3D's gcode with a tool change retraction/script and the script that is stored and beautifully implemented in the firmware of the mark2. It happens that, before get/park the 2nd head the printer raises the head/s from the object, it moves to the wipe position [with the correct offset on the X-Y-Z direction] but after it heats and unretracts it doesn't reset the initial lift. I don't know precisely the steps that the machine performs on a tool change, but from its behavior I can imagine it and I can adjust my script. Now, without the toolchange retraction distance I found that it works -not good not bad, simply it works-, with a toolchange retraction in S3D you have to insert a script in the toolchange tab that remembers the machine to adjust the Z after a tool change, simply a "move to next position X Y Z". However, it was right to alert other users of the possibility of a mistakes. With my latest S3D's profile [not yet shared] these issues don't happen but with old ones it is possible.
  15. I would like to report a problem that I have found and solved. For those who had wrong z positioning after a tool change [T0 to T1] with a gcode created in S3D, I found the cause, pay attention, you have to set to ZERO the "tool change retraction distance" in "advanced" tab.
  16. Can any of the developers or beta testers help me understand how these lines of code are to be interpreted? I know they represent the shadow area occupied by the docking stations and the non-printable area because of the tool offset. I understood the way they work but I can't go further. [-115, 112.5], [ -10, 112.5], [ -10, 72.5], [-115, 72.5]], [ 115, 112.5], [ 115, 72.5], [ 15, 72.5], [ 15, 112.5]], [-115, -112.5], [-115, -87.5], [ 115, -87.5], [ 115, -112.5]], [-115, 72.5], [-97, 72.5], [-97, -112.5], [-115, -112.5]] Edit_ I understood, question solved.
  17. Check this https://github.com/foehnsturm/Mark2/blob/master/calibration/Mark2-XY-Calibration.pdf It is +14 lines in Y direction and -2 lines in X one.
  18. I am working on a S3D profile too, I'm focusing on tool change script with idle temperature and a soft acceleration/jerk control. The latest script is good but not yet perfect. My current version works good. There was some ooze issues after the printer reads T0/T1 beacuse it unretract immediately the new extruder. With regard to the expected time and the real one, the maximum incongruity was +8 minutes. If anyone will try it, let me know if there will be some problems. https://www.dropbox.com/s/g3bs5chtbjl1qlk/Mark2_1.1.5.fff?dl=0
  19. I saved the modified profile as a project, with this workaround I can work with several profiles on more computers. Thanks you @ultiarjan for the suggestion.
  20. Have you set "layer start at" in both extruder tabs? Tonight I will check this behavior. Yes, you are right, I don't know why I didn't think it.
  21. I'm working on a profile for the mark2 too. I noticed the time to heat from 160/80 degrees, I was thinking about insert in toolchange script tab something like this: T[new_tool] {IF NEWTOOL=1} M104 S175 T0 ; cool old tool {IF NEWTOOL=1} M109 S[extruder1_temperature] T1 ; stabilize new tool {IF NEWTOOL=0} M104 S175 T1 ; cool old tool {IF NEWTOOL=0} M109 S[extruder0_temperature] T0 ; stabilize new tool This script shouldn't interfere with the settings in the printer, but during a non-double print it heats and keeps at 175 degrees the first/second head
  22. Later I will try to save all as a project. Thanks you Ultiarjan and Ahoeben for the support
  23. Hi to all, I've found this issue when I tried to create a custom profile for the Mark2. I changed some parameters in extruder1 tab from a pretected profile Same things for the extruder2 tab After doing this I saved it as a custom profile Next, I opened the profile menu to activate the new profile First issue, the extruders tab are empty Now I try to activate the new profile. The extruder1 is ok, there are the new settings and I have activate the new profile with succes Not the same for the extruder2, the settings were lost and I can not activate the new profile How can I resolve these issue? I've tried to do a clean install of cura too, but the problems remain. I also noticed that I can easily activate the new profile for the UM2ext but, the new settings are not read or they're lost. The Cura version is the 2.5x64. Thanks, /Marco
  24. Have you tried to change the wipe position too?
  25. To fix these movements you need to set layer start at X{100} Y{50} in travel menu, after doing this you will see the only one which is ok. The solution is not mine but it is of foehnsturm
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