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Everything posted by qwerty8224

  1. https://ultimaker.com/en/products/cura-software
  2. Multithreading and it works Faster cut layers:P:P:P
  3. The man wrote that laid the cable and 2 weeks prints no problems
  4. In the middle of printing pulled thread ((( Again, moving head (((( Interference canceled)))
  5. Gr5 say @Which cura should never generate but can happen if you have a read error. Most likely those 2 ribbon cables that connect the computer to the card reader.@ is needed to protect the cable ... (Screen) What spoils signal. !!! I just moved the cable 2cm apart 20 hours of printing ОК. Testing goes on
  6. there is an error .... The memory card checked all sector workers and a very good time reading something in the firmware
  7. I have the same problem ((((16.08.2 Сura 2.3.0 Cooling on the board there.
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