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Posts posted by Smithy

  1. Then it was exactly the problem I was talking about. When you model something in Fusion you get often a new body instead of joining the existing one. It is not a problem, but you should be aware of it and that the export function only exports one body (you can also not select more than one). So when you have more than body in Fusion, you should combine it before sending it to Cura.


    You find the combine function in the Modify menu in Fusion.

  2. 6 hours ago, Brolman said:

    Apparently the new firmware has only affected 1% of the UM users. Could we hear from the mute 99% that were not affected?

    Me for example, I upgraded my UM3 and my S5 and have nearly no issues except the x/y calibration which is only needed for dual print and I don't print often dual.


    Just one minor issue on the UM3, that I have now (after the updated) a buzzy sound from the display. It is annoying, but I found a workaround to stop that sound. I just have to go to a submenu and return to the main, then the sound stops. Sometimes I have to jump more than one time to another view, but it works always.

  3. Das letzte Foto zeigt, dass sich das Zahnrad vom Feeder ins Filament frisst, d.h. er will weiter befördern kann aber nicht und dann fräst er dir das FIlament an. Warum er nicht mehr weiter transportieren kann, kann mehrere Ursachen haben, verstopfte Düse (das hast du ja schon geprüft bzw. gereinigt) oder du druckst zu schnell und/oder zu wenig heiß. Bei hohen Geschwindigkeiten bringt der die Menge FIlament nicht mehr zum schmelzen.


    Weiters kann auch die Bowden Tube ein Problem haben, einfach einmal schauen ob die Filament per Hand gut durchschieben kannst.


    Feeder Spannung steht in der Mitte? Du siehst das an einem kleinen Marker am Feeder selbst.


    Zuführung um Feeder passt? Verhederte Spulen können das auch auslösen.

  4. 1 hour ago, geert_2 said:

    Also, I realise this is a bit off-topic concerning 3D-printing, but I think it is close enough.

    Don't worry, it is fully on topic because Cloakfiend has asked for help and your answer is really helpful and perfectly explained.

    So shame on me that I only wrote "you need a resistor" 😞 

    • Like 1
  5. Have you turned off auto bed leveling on your UM3?

    I have read some posts about that, that after upgrading the saved values from the auto leveling are wrong and therefore the printer prints in the air because the offset is set to some phantasie values.

  6. Ob weiß oder schwarz als Hintergrund, kannst du in den Einstellungen von Cura definieren.


    Die unterschiedlichen Menüs ergeben sich aus der Cura Version. Mit Version 4.0 hat sich das GUI geändert, neue Layout etc. Falls du das alte GUI bevorzugst (wie viele hier) dann gibt es im Marketplace ein Plugin um das Menü wieder dort zu haben wo es hingehört.


    Alle Plugins findest du im Marketplace in Cura (weiß nicht wie es auf Deutsch heißt) Dort hast du Plugins mit ihrer Beschreibung, allerdings fällt mir jetzt auf Anhieb kein Plugin ein, was man unbedingt braucht. So viele Plugins gibt es nicht, du bist daher mit der Grundausstattund schon recht gut unterwegs.

  7. 5 hours ago, zungara said:

    igo3d told me that they got the glass plates and that they will send the plates at KW 18 or KW19. 

    That's interesting, thanks for the update. So it seems that not all employees there have the same information.

  8. Here my project from the last weekend. A wall clock, controlled by an ESP8266 microcontroller. The ESP controls a LED stripe to show the current time which is fetched regularly via Wifi from an NTP server.  The clock contains 6 segments for the ring and 60 parts for the minute indicators. Red shows hour, green the minute and blue for the seconds.


    Now I only have to find a nice place to put it on a wall.



    • Like 4
  9. 3 hours ago, SandervG said:

    DE, AT, CH - iGo3D


    I just asked iGo3D about the status and when they should arrive, but iGo3D said the glass plate is shipped from Ultimaker directly and not over them. So at least for iGo3D, they will not send the plates to the registered customers.

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