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Everything posted by burtoogle

  1. The way to avoid those gaps is to use the expand skins setting. Have a play with that.
  2. Hi @3DPrintingPro-JustBeginner, I think the problem here is that the model has issues. This is what FreeCAD thinks about it...
  3. Assuming that you are using the right amount of retraction, the most likely reason for this is that you are using combing and it is doing a long un-retracted travel before the bad zone. So set the max combing distance without retract value to something like 10 and will make the combing use retraction for the longer travels.
  4. I think there is a setting that lets you have the machine prefix or not.
  5. Hello @jefflundstrom, I think the problem is that Cura defaults to 2.85mm dia filament but you are using 1.75. You need to tell Cura that the filament diameter is 1.75mm. This can be done in the material profile.
  6. Cura could handle this situation more gracefully.
  7. Hi, could you please attach a sample gcode produced by Cura that doesn't load? Thanks.
  8. Sorry, I am not a mechanical or materials engineer so I can't add anything other than I know that the spaces in gyroid infill are all connected so it is amenable to filling. I also think (but don't have absolute proof) that it requires fewer skin layers printed on top to achieve a smooth finish.
  9. Is it? I can't tell from your images. Even if that spiral does contain skin areas, there is still a gap between the skin and the outline so the "not in skin" combing will travel within that gap.
  10. I recommend you use Cura 3.6 onwards as that now provides gyroid infill which is seriously strong and has other nice properties also. See Gyroid Strength for an example.
  11. Looks to me that the combing has failed in the sense that the combed distance is far greater than the "as the crow flies" distance. Perhaps the combing logic should put some upper limit on the ratio of those distances and not comb if the limit is exceeded.
  12. In recent Cura (4.0?) this dialog is called the Marketplace. Previously, it was called the Toolbox.
  13. Check that the rotate tool plugin is enabled in the toolbox/marketplace.
  14. BTW there's no version number in my master branch releases because it never stands still. Just keeps rolling along...
  15. Hello @sibianul, I am glad that you are getting better results using my Cura release. As @ahoeben points out, my builds may be better or worse than the official releases. I try not to release something that is obviously broken but as the releases are based on the Ultimaker development code + my own modifications, there's always a chance that a release could have problems. Good luck!
  16. Just noticed you are using coasting, I never use that because it tends to increase the chance of under-extrusion at the start of the next line.
  17. Using relative x = 10 , y = 10, I get this... As for PETG, I print quite a lot of that and get good results. Avoid un-retracted travel moves longer than, say, 10mm, use as low a temperature as you can to reduce the likelyhood of the filament sticking, use no or little fan for max strength. Use 100% fan for skins over support.
  18. Ah, can see the photos now. Positioning the z-seam with the x/y coords can be tricky, I think for your model you want to specify a point that is quite close to the middle but just outside of the model where it touches the buildplate. If you do that, the z-seam should run vertically upwards at that point (between the fins).
  19. Hi @Revenant-Miami, my Cura doesn't alter the adaptive layer height feature so it's bug-for-bug compatible with the Ultimaker releases. Please open an issue at https://github.com/Ultimaker/Cura/issues regarding that.
  20. BTW, some of your photos are not showing in this thread, something is wrong with them?
  21. Hi @Mibix, the magic in my Cura is simply down to the fact that it has various bug fixes and improvements that the standard Cura doesn't have. Perhaps in the future those changes will make it into the Ultimaker releases. That's out of my control. As for keeping up to date, well just check my dropbox folder from time to time. There's been quite a few releases recently as I have been actively working on some improvements.
  22. Huh? Anyway, the easiest way to specify the z-seam x and y is to enable Z seam relative setting and then the x/y coords are simply relative to the middle of the part's bounding box (i.e. the middle of the rocket in your example.)
  23. Hi @Mibix, I tried slicing your file with my version of Cura and I don't get those travel lines. This could be because of the changes I have made to the combing. Those changes are not yet in Ultimaker's Cura so if you want to try my releases they can be found at https://www.dropbox.com/sh/s43vqzmi4d2bqe2/AAADdYdSu9iwcKa0Knqgurm4a?dl=0. My releases can be installed alongside the Ultimaker releases and will not interfere with them. BTW, don't use the sharpest corner z-seam alignment for symmetrical objects. It's better to use the user defined z-seam position hint and specify suitable x/y valyes so as to position the seam where you want it. That may help remove some of those travels that cross the gap.
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