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Everything posted by GregValiant

  1. You can try increasing the "Support Flow" or the "Support Line Width". When traditional supports get taller, each layer is square on top of the one below. When tree supports grow, each layer can be offset from the one below so there just isn't as much contact. You could play with the Branch Angles and other settings to get the tree to grow more upright. The downside to that is they don't reach as far.
  2. If you look at the preview you'll see there are small yellow dots at the corners and intersections. All that movement is to put those dots down. They are each around .2mm long extrusions so the nozzle doesn't spend much time on any of them. You can eliminate the dots by changing your design so that the inner and outer radii of the corners are concentric. You can also change the Combing Mode from "All" to "None" but without retracting that will leave a lot of stringing. This is the difference when the corners radii are concentric. That's the yellow dot on your model.
  3. You'll need two vehicles or a bed in the van. It would be easier and faster to buy a real computer. Suggestions go on Github.
  4. I think you just took the lead from "Godzilla". That bad boy is pellet fed. With your dual 3mm lines I'd guess you can retract. From what I've gathered, that isn't easy on a pellet fed machine. If you'd like you can post a Cura 3mf project file ("File | Save Project"). I'll take a look and I'm sure there are others here whose curiosity would be peaked enough to attempt to troubleshoot the "Practice Layer" problem.
  5. Load a Benchy or calibration cube into Cura 5.4.0 and use the "File | Save Project" command. Post the 3mf file here. There should be no difference from 5.3.1 to 5.4.0 regarding extrusions unless your printer definition file was changed.
  6. Post a picture of that monster. There is no setting for a "Practice Layer". Are you sure it isn't just a really long combing move?
  7. All of a sudden I had the problem with every version of Cura, every version of PrusaSlicer, every version of IdeaMaker...every version of all of them. About 30 to 45 minutes in to any print and the extruder would start skipping. My problem was two problems that were stacked on top of each other. The stock Creality hot end of my 3 Pro AND a bad stepper driver on the 1.1.5 mainboard I had put in. Having both go at the same time was really hard to troubleshoot. Fortunately I had the stock mainboard sitting around. When I put it back in everything became clear.
  8. When Cura paints models in Polka-Dots it means that surfaces are in error. Since you aren't printing in Surface Mode or Spiralize I'm surprised it sliced. I could only get the shorter piece to slice. I generated a gcode of the short model and analyzed the file. All the supports are going down at .40 line width. Other features (Inner Walls, Skins, etc.) are variable, but the Support is consistent at 0.40. The print speed for all the support extrusions is 50mm/second. So I don't see a Speed or a Flow issue. I don't have a multi-extruder printer so I won't comment on PVA. Maybe @gr5 has some thoughts on that. (I have read that it sucks up moisture like a sponge.)
  9. What printer? There may not be a retraction in the Ending Gcode. That looks like it's printed too hot with not enough fan and the minimum layer time might be too high.
  10. 40% in The Netherlands = 35% in Austria. Bankers know this. (16.5 x 40%) / .51 = ~13 When I analyze the Gcode, the PrusaSlicer Arachne engine appears to be putting down the infill lines at .45 line width rather than at .51. (16.5 x 40%) / .45 = ~15
  11. You're the test case so let me know what you think about it.
  12. Honest Ghostguy6, Cura has absolutely no capability to do something like that. It's a slicer not a CAD program. Something went wonky, but it couldn't have been Cura.
  13. The way I've been able to duplicate the problem is with Skirt Brim enabled and Bed Adhesion set to "None". This is your Vega 3 project. Support brim is turned off. If you feel it is a different bug then you can fill out a bug report over on Github.
  14. When I import the part into MS 3 D Builder the text is there so it isn't Cura. The letters are .22mm tall. This is your model flipped over. The letters protrude.
  15. The letters on the build plate side are raised and so they are the only thing touching the build plate. The skirt is going around the letters. This is looking up through the bottom of the build plate. The cyan of the letters indicates that those areas are in contact with the build plate. The red surfaces are indicating that they need support which means they are not on the build plate. Here you can see the skirt is respecting that part of the print that is in contact with the build plate.
  16. Select a Blocker. Scale it to the size you want and locate it to the model. In the Per Model settings set it to "Modify Settings for Overlaps" and as an "Infill Mesh". The default settings will be Wall Line Count = 0, Top/Bottoms = 0, Infill X Offset and Infill Y Offset set to whatever works for you. Copy that blocker and move the new one into position. Change the Per Model settings to a differen Infill Offset. Keep going up.
  17. Exactly. The reason I went two layers is that your model looked thicker. You can adjust the thickness and spacing of the blocker meshes to get the effect you want. You can change the Infill Layer Thickness to 2X layer height to get a different effect. Adjust the Infill Line Distance rather than the Infill Density and you can locate the lines of infill precisely.
  18. I don't have a printer definition file for you machine so I only get the model. With my settings profile and Skirt and Enable Support Brim enabled this is the first layer. With the Skirt turned off and Build Plate Adhesion at None... 2nd layer. The Support Structure is being extruded where the periphery of the Support Brim is supposed to be. So I would say that yes, this is the same bug. Were you able to get the Support Brim working?
  19. I stacked support blockers 2 layers thick and with 2 layer gaps between them. Each has a different ""Infill Offset X" and "Infill Offset Y". You can get different effects by altering the "Infill Layer Thickness" and "Infill Line width" as well.
  20. "...because I have a cylinder as geometry" Not in the project file you posted. Altering the Home Offsets shifts the entire print so no, that would not work. Cura is a good slicer but it isn't a CAD program. It has a bit of capability to alter models, but the best thing to do is to give Cura the model you want. Doing a "This is close except for..." often requires more work and you may not get what you want even after spending a lot of time on it. This is with support blockers configured as Infill Mesh. The settings "Infill Offset X" and "Infill Offset Y" may give you what you want.
  21. That was a mistake. I looked up the Mega X. Your Mega S has different numbers than the Mega X and they did not change from 5.3.x to 5.4.0 "machine_max_acceleration_x": { "value": 3000 } "machine_max_acceleration_y": { "value": 2000 }, "machine_max_feedrate_x": { "default_value": 500 }, "machine_max_feedrate_y": { "default_value": 500 }, "machine_max_feedrate_z": { "default_value": 8 },
  22. Load the Benchy and use the "File | Save Project" command to create a 3mf file. Post the 3mf file here. If the printer's internal settings for things like Max Feedrate and Max Accel are different from what you have set it Cura then the Cura time estimate can be off by a lot. Cura can't query the printer for it's internal settings. According to the i3MegaX definition: Your Max Accel is 400 and Max Feedrate is 120. If that is the way the printer is set up and you enter a travel speed of 150 in Cura then your printer will put a 120 speed limit on that feedrate. In that little scenario you can see that the estimate would be off. Accel can have a large effect on the time estimate. If you enter XY accel as 3000 in Cura but the printer holds it down to 400 then the estimate will be off by a wide margin. You can adjust the Max Accel and Max Feedrate by including lines in your StartUp Gcode. BUT when the people who designed and built the printer decided that it couldn't handle any more Accel or Speed do you really want to ignore them?
  23. If a model has location data in the file, Cura will load the model as specified in the file. STL files generally don't have any location data but 3mf files (and some others) often will. If I design a trailer hitch ball and it is at "car position" and export the model as a 3mf from my CAD program, the model will come in WAY over in the X and at a Z that is well off the build plate. Since the ball is on the centerline of the vehicle the Y would be 0. If it's a single model you can right click on the build plate and "Select All Models" and manually set the numbers of the Translation Tool to 0,0,0. That would bring my wayward hitch ball to the middle of the build plate.
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