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  • 3D printer
    Ultimaker 2 (Ext

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  1. Do I need to copy these folders and files over to the new installed build of Ultimaker software or us the cloud based backup via , extensions> cura backup on the software? Regards Paul
  2. Hi all I am changing hard drives over on my main 3dPrinter PC. I would like to backup the settings so when I installed the software on my new drive, I can then copy of the ini file if that's what its extension name is. From the old to the new, is this possible, can anyone point me in the location of the file? I will be installing the latest released Ultimaker Cura version. Regards Paul
  3. Hi So I’ll try with same type of PrittStick and have plate heat on at 50 oC throughout the print. I’d that correct? I have checked the plate settings plus use a thin receipt as a adjust guide. Regards Paul
  4. Hi well I have turned table heat off and just used a Pritt-stick for adhesion. The quality of print looks good. But the item has lifted on one side. What could I do to try and fix this. See attached photos. Regards Paul
  5. Hi all After a bit of YouTubing, I tried sticking more blue tap round the base. This did help but then after laying the first couple of layers down I turned the plate heat down from 60 oC to 20 oC. Seems to be looking better, all noted about having no plate heat and not too use blue tape for PLA. Thanks once again for the help, as you can tell I am very new to 3D printing. Regards Paul
  6. Hi all. i seem to have issues with my print lifting on the tape. It’s PLA plate temp is 60 oC and the print head is at 200 oC. As you can see from the photo’s the print looks good. But it’s lifting for some reason? can anyone assist. Regards Paul
  7. Hi Did you find a UK supplier for the fan at the rear of the heatshink? My UM2 is working but is very noisy. Need to find a UK supplier myself. Regards Paul
  8. Hi Torgneir I have just emailed @gr5 Did you see my first print? i have attached a jpg, its not easy to check out as its in black. But it looks like its fine.
  9. Hi Torgeir These feeder updates for the UM2 extended, can anyone supply a kit of parts with new fixing etc? Regards Paul
  10. I am looking for a replacement fan unit for my Ultimaker 2 extended the one which cools the hot print block heatsink. The one on mine is really noisy but still spins, also i read that some users have moved the fan slightly away from the heatsink. Do I need to purchase metal standoff posts and slightly longer fixings. if anyone can supply details on fan assembly etc, i am in the UK so if RS or Farnell do them that would be great or of course ebay. Regards Paul
  11. Hi Torgeir Well I have make the heat plat set as 60 oC and the print head is set at 200o C. But it looks like I have a flow issue, i removed material and then re-entered it and did the advance on material movement out of the print head but nothing coming out. Can't see any PLA coming out the sides, I can re-tract the material moving the control wheel the other way, then go forward. No sure what i should try next. could it be the temperature heater not actually getting up to 200 oC? As I say I am a newbie. Regards Paul
  12. Thanks all for your help, I am going to try and do a test print on Thursday and see how it all goes. Will feedback my results then, finger grossed all works. Reference Torgeir's update from standard to plus, I wonder what you invested your money in regard upgrade parts? For the moment I will see how my tests go and if goes well I might ask what the cheaper update parts are. I am not keen on spending £500 on the official upgrade kit to a plus. Regards Paul
  13. After reading your message, I also have a ultimaker 2 and am not able to spend the 400 for the 2+ kit. What would be the cost of a new print head assemble. Also I had to replace the bearing housing the other day as it had cracked. All went well but i had to cut the 1 inch black heat shrink off as I wasn't able to feed the white connectors through it. At the moment it cut the heat shrink off. Do I have any other options for this area. I could purchase some new unshrunk material and fit or is their any rap around material I could use. Regards Paul
  14. Hi Thanks for this information, I am assuming I need to setup temperatures on head and build plate? Also on setup you can enable the two side fans as a percentage. I wonder what I should set this up as? Regards Paul
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