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Everything posted by paoletto

  1. I am trying to print a model that needs strength in some areas, but not everywhere not to make it weight a lot. So i wonder if it's possible to set up the slicer to use different infill parameters like in a specific area (spherical? cubical? idk). I'm relatively new to cura/3dprinting so i hope this is going to be possible. I read that variable line settings are still in the work so i do not expect that to be possible. I suppose variable extrusion temperature is also not possible? (i think it would help to print a bit hotter in this area to make the lines stick together more). I'd be also interested in using the cooling fan only in selected area of the print (where overhangs are to be expected) and leave it off in the rest. Is this possible?
  2. This was previously reported in the wrong section: However, since it's a pretty big deal (to me at least), and mod made it clear it was the wrong section as CURA has nothing to do with it, i repost it here
  3. Happens to me too: Latest cura (4.8.0.something), Ultimaker 3 with latest firmware (self updated itself). Also, it happens every time. Prime blob, then build plate start rising and head starts moving, smashing the prime blob down. I do not want to disable the prime blob because i had issues without it. Sometimes the extruder got stuck in the beginning and screwed the print. So i find priming the material a must. As for @upatamby suggestion, i'd go a step further and rather ask the build plate to go down a bit and then rise, because the prime blob is a bit unpredictable and it would be good to ensure clearance till after the head is gone. Please add this, it's a nasty bug and it happens all the times. UM3 is also not a cheap piece of hw, one would expect that such a simple problem would be fixed, given what it costs..
  4. As per https://github.com/Ultimaker/Cura/issues/5490 , a mostly working workaround: env -u DESKTOP_SESSION -u KDE_FULL_SESSION -u XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP /bin/cura
  5. When i click on the camera button the camera view pops up in the middle of the app window, and cant be moved, it can only be closed. It would be very convenient if this view could be a separate window, at least a floating movable element that stays on top like PiP, while the rest of the app isn't blocked?
  6. Hi, I just ran cura 4.8.0 on my Ubuntu 18.04.5 LTS with plasma 5.12. I use Breeze Dark theme for the desktop. I have problems with the Preference window (see screenshot below) Can anybody reproduce or suggest a workaround? Thanks
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