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Everything posted by Stars

  1. This is a real great feature. One tip: there is way to send the job with the build in API (you need authentication to send a PUT request attach the printjob file). You can then schedule the print with Postman or other API tools from your computer.
  2. Hi, some 4 years later and I have this problem also on my new S5. The led stays on full brightness no matter what setting and reset. Have you resolved this issue ?
  3. I have the same exact problem. But only on the S5. Have you resolved the issue ?
  4. I have a really strange problem with the Material Station light and the printer case leds. I see the menu on the touch panel to dimm or on/off when printing. But it only controls the led of the material station and not the printer case. The printer case is always on and really shining through the room. I tried to only power on the printer it self (without material station and air manager). The control led brightness doesn't responding. You can slide to low/high brightness but, but nothing happening to the led in the printer case. I put everything together (material station and air manager) still no control over the led in the printer case. Then headed over the control in the web interface, put it on "unavailable" still the led in the print case is on. Then headed to the API and the response say 100. I tried to lower it to 20. It succeed, but the led is still not changed, the API is responding a wrong value I guess. I am on the latest firmware. Anyone else some solution ?
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