You can print multiple parts, but only if the parts are not tall enough to hit the gantry when the bed is at its highest position.
cloakfiend 996
You can still print multiple objects but you have to combine them first in your favourite 3d program. Then cura treats it as one object.
There is no need at all to combine it in cad. Cura will automatically change from "print one at a time" to "print all at once".
And sometimes even though the object is small enough for 'one at a time' it can be better to print f.e. 2 small ultibot's at once so the layers get more time for cooling.
The default gantry hight of um2 is now 48mm (was 55 mm in the beginning) this will change f.e. when you install the Olsson block. It can be set in "machine settings" but be careful and measure your actual gantry hight if you change... set it to high and parts will get knocked over by the xy axis. To be save just leave it at 48mm.
Edited by Guest
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