It's possible to print through USB but unreliable - I don't recommend it for more than a 20 minute print. But you have to choose "ulti gcode mode" in cura.
Dim3nsioneer 558
It's possible to print through USB but unreliable - I don't recommend it for more than a 20 minute print. But you have to choose "ulti gcode mode" in cura.
Uhm... isn't it rather "Reprap gcode mode"?
Oops - yes I got it backwards. You need reprap mode.
- 2 weeks later...
I would like the feature to command the printer thru USB. So that you still load the g-code via SD card, but you can remote-control it, order print to start, stop or pause, control lights, ETC... that should be fairly safe for usb connection, right?
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SandervG 1,521
Hi @NonSequor,
That is true. We no longer support printing over USB because it is not as reliable as printing over SD card. The USB port is only for updating firmware.
If you want to start your own print, copy your gcode from Cura onto the SD card and fire up the print through the interface.
Did you select the Ultimaker 2 Extended in Cura or did you use another printer's profile?
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