Leds. 24v. Um2 led strip or diy https://ultimaker.com/en/community/view/9607-leds-on-umo-out-of-the-box
Fan. You can use 2 fans yeah. Don't use more than 200mA or you can break the weak pwm fan system. 24V or in series like the um2 uses (not recommend).
0.9 um2 stepper motor works perfect on umo+. It's less noisy, specially if you get rid of the wood extruder and print a IRobertI feeder.
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SandervG 1,521
Hi Mark,
Welcome to the forum!
I hope the assembly went smooth?
1) Are you sure it will make a big difference, since the frame is mostly open so ambient light will access the build volume too. But the Ultimaker Original+ has the same electronics as the Ultimaker 2, so you could use the same LED strip. I believe it is 24V (?)
2) The fan has an output of 5V. But on my Ultimaker Original (which is not a +) I have mounted two of the same fans on the same outlet and it was fine.
3) I actually don't really know a lot of people who have replaced the motor.
Why would that be necessary? What I can think of is the feeder motor, but for the Ultimaker 2 there is a different stepper motor than the Ultimaker Original.
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