Yes, that's normal. IIRC it's because of the high concentration of pigments.
It IS more abrasive than "normal" filament. So if you print with it a lot it will wear down your nozzle a bit.
Yes, that's normal. IIRC it's because of the high concentration of pigments.
It IS more abrasive than "normal" filament. So if you print with it a lot it will wear down your nozzle a bit.
Glowbug or Glowfill is abrasive because is contains strontium aluminate.
But IMHO it is not *that* dangerous. I printed approx 2 spools of it (Glowfill) and changed the 3D solex brass nozzle only one time.
The surface is a little bit rougher compared to other materials. Printing 3 or more shells is a good idea to get objects that glow for a longer time than object with only 2 shells.
Edited by GuestThanks, that's the info I was looking for. I couldn't find this information anywhere, at least now when someone does a search on this subject they will find the answer here. I knew I could count on you guys, once again the Ultimaker community has the answer.
Thanks again,
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peggyb 171
I didn't use it myself, but beware that the glow fill is VERY abrasive. It can wear down your nozzle real fast. I hope you already have an Olsson Block so you can change nozzles or you have a spare printhead. That's what I've read.... So this would explain the rough texture.
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