I just completed this upgrade a month ago so I may be able to help!
1) I made no changes to the Z steps. I followed the directions, upgraded the firmware and made sure to note the Heated Bed Upgrade.
2) Yes, you replace the top switch but not the bottom.
3) That large thing of grease is for the washers to the aluminum bed contact. The small green one is for the Z-screw
4) Could you post a photo of the print head? If you have an Ultimaker Original, as I do (kit form), you shouldn't have to change anything there. (I also do an Atomic Pull every time I change filaments to make sure the nozzle is clean)
5) I would have to search but there is an XY Jerk or something like that in the Ulticontroller. The UMO is a noisy, chattery machine. It's a lot like an R2-D2...loyal but noisy!
6) There's a lot of different ways to explain it. Essentially the best way came from GR5. Use a piece of paper as a guide, so that it can barely slip through between the head and print bed. With the 3-point bed, I start at the back, then the front right, then the front left. I then go the center and check, using the back adjustment as needed. I repeat this once. When you have a print, add 3 to 4 lines of Skirt. When the print starts, you will see the skirt line being laid down. No filament? Bed too close. Filament look too rounded....bed too high. Filament look smooshed into the glass....perfect. You may have to adjust those knobs a bit frantically but this does work very well. (Silver filament very hard to see on bed!)
7) In the Start/End GCode tab. Near the bottom is a line that shows, be default, extruding amount (3mm). I crank mine up to 10.
8) I've never checked my motors for temperature. My printer is in the basement where is stays around 65F
9) I do not know! I know you want to account for shrinkage but unsure how much
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neotko 1,417
1) Correct
2) Correct
3) The copper grease or the green lube? Copper greease it's used on the bolts that tight and level the bed, I think it's on the manual but if you don't see it just tell me. The green lube it's for the z motor threated rod.
4) Maybe your umo it's a old old first hotend. The hotend v2 has ptfe coupler and it's the standard on umo/umo+. Make a photo, that always helps.
5) Aceleration can be changed by Ulticontroller, do you have the little screen where the sd it's plug in or your umo doesn't have it? I mean this http://wiki.ultimaker.com/UltiController_v1
6) That's quite not well explained indeed, I remember my first days. Align the head so it almost touches and don't touches the bed, by eye works, better with a paper. There's some info on the ultimaker stuff tip and tricks about how to level the bed, also on a ultimaker app for mobiles.
7) Well on the cura start gcode there are some lines that make it prime less or more if you edit them. Post your gcode start (advanced mode) and I'll tell you what to edit, this way you learn also
8) Stepper motors should be ok at that temperatures, just remember to always 'hear' the mainboard fan working, because the chips needs to be air cooled on umo.
9) There are many posts about that stuff around... I'll check it.
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