Make sure, like sure sure. That both heater cables are 'in' sometimes you slide in and you think it's in but it isn't. Get a flash light (telefone flash or alike) and check it. Also if you pull the cable and it goes out, it wasn't 'in'. (Ofc power all down before all this)
tinkergnome 927
Check your selected material profile on the printer:
Material -> Settings
Or - on the heatup screen: Goto "TUNE" and check the target temperatures for buildplate and nozzle. If they are not set (zero) the print will never start...
This could be the heated bed, check that the connections on the heated bed are tight.
When you change materials, it only heats the nozzle so it seems like that's working fine. But if you start a print, it heats the bed up to temperature before the nozzle, so if the bed never heats to temperature, your nozzle will not start either and your print will sit idle.
So, first, go to maintenance -> advanced -> heatup buildplate, set to 60. Watch it for a bit, the temperature should slowly climb, if it doesn't you probably have a loose connection to the bed.
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What valcrow said.
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gr5 2,234
Maybe the wire broke in between when you heated it manually and when you went to print. The most likely thing to cause this problem is a bad heater wire. It may have fallen out - you have to stick it pretty far in to the hole in the terminal block. It's easy to mess that step up.
Try heating it manually again to make sure that still works - what did you do "change filament"? Try that again.
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