Wow - that's a lot of stringing! Do you have retraction checked? What kind of filament is this? Maybe you should lower the temp by 10C. Anyway that's not what you asked about.
I don't think you have a problem with friction/pulleys/belts because whatever "errors" seem to happen on some layers seem to recover on higher-up layers, right? And it's pretty much impossible to have a hardware error like that fix itself. So I'm thinking this is a mixture of your cad program and/or cura settings. I mean the 4 holes are all lined up nicely, right? or are they not supposed to be?
Did you look at the "bad" layers in layer view in cura? I think you will see cura is telling the printer to do that stuff. if so look at the model in xray view and fix anything that you see as red. If nothing is red maybe shows us your gcode file and your stl file (upload them somewhere).
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neotko 1,417
This for me looks like a dead coupler or too hot + underextrusion. Check the health of your ptfe coupler and check the hotend for leaks.
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