I've spend so many hours in the Division already, even the single player only is worth it!
Then again, I like loot grinding I did enjoy Rainbow six Siege, but haven't really played that since the Division
My main game remains World of Tanks, which is quite awesome in clan gameplay. Occasionally(when there is new singleplayer) I enjoy Starcraft and Diablo 3.
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GuyS 49
Joined the steam group, though I play few games on steam, because OSX. My 360 and Wii are gathering dust too now that I have a PS4.
I'm waiting to see what The Division playerbase is going to be like; if it survives the first few months I'll probably take that up. I'm still considering picking up Destiny somewhere along the way to see what everyone's so excited about, but I'm more of a BF/CoD gamer and never really got into Halo online either. I did play the Battleborn open beta this weekend and that was a lot of fun. I figure either that or Overwatch will be my team shooter of choice when they're out.
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