It's a multilayer coating with chrome on the outside! - yes inside it is a brass alloy.
steel would be impossible to use, since its thermal properties are horrible.
It's a multilayer coating with chrome on the outside! - yes inside it is a brass alloy.
steel would be impossible to use, since its thermal properties are horrible.
@swordriff I'm quoting you :
We have reached the limit of the UM2+ CPU. With for instance the - feeder you will print so fast that it starts making square circles.The CPU itself cannot issue commands fast enough!
Can you give more informations about it ?
SQUARE CIRCLES: when you print much faster than 300mm/sec, the cpu cannot cope- reading all the gcodes and positioning the x/y fast enough- so it starts skipping steps and seems to miss gcode lines..
of course, it is very rare that you have an object which can be usefully printed at such speeds, but they do exist, I guess.
reaching this limit with a stock um2+ is difficult since it cannot melt the plastic fast enough.
What parameters did you use with your bondtech ? 300mm/s sounds crazy...
0.4mm, LH 0.15 , 320mm/sec. And corners are NOT beautiful..
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Dim3nsioneer 558
I could tell you but you asked @gr5...
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DidierKlein 729
Yes it's some kind of coating, not stainless steel it wouldn't make sense as you said.
The block is still made of brass but coated (maybe @swordriff could tell us more about it).
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