The thickness should be, at least, the size of the line width. Select the object, click on Per Object Settings and assign a small Line Width for that object until it slices it, but a 0.4 nozzle can only go down to something like 0.25 with some issues (you would need to play with mm3 to allow a constant flow of filament) a safe number is 0.33 for a 0.4 (at least that's what I do print every day)
Thanks! I appreciate it!
What do you use to make your custom supports?
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neotko 1,417
The thickness should be, at least, the size of the line width. Select the object, click on Per Object Settings and assign a small Line Width for that object until it slices it, but a 0.4 nozzle can only go down to something like 0.25 with some issues (you would need to play with mm3 to allow a constant flow of filament) a safe number is 0.33 for a 0.4 (at least that's what I do print every day)
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