PolyMaker PC-Max
PolyMaker PC-Max
Really is matte? Interesting.
Edit: Oh just white and black, I'll stay with greentec, has a cheaper kilo/ratio. I suppose since is PC it might be harder?
Edited by GuestI've read that PC-Plus is more shinny and PC-Max is more matte (I have only tested myself the PC-Max).
Indeed only black and white, very good mechanical properties, but not necessarily easy to print (there is a thread somewhere here)
In my experience, white PLA is often easier to sand than other colors.
I am not sure why, maybe because it requires a lot of filler particles to get a really white and opaque look? ColorFabb filament is a bit more fibrous (if that is an existing word? - showing more fibres when sanding). On the other hand, ICE filament (distributed by Trideus in Belgium) is a bit more brittle and sands more into fine powder.
When printed fresh, both have a satin gloss look, but after sanding of course, it gets as matte as you want.
Disadvantage of white is that you see every spec of dirt on it. Especially when grinding it with a file or sandpaper that still has colored particles from previous colored filaments in it.
I will have a look into the Polymaker PC-MAX. Any thoughts on HIPS??
+1 regarding the sandability of white PLA, I noticed that it is a bit easier to sand than natural PLA/PHA from Colorfabb or black PLA
@ neotko: is this the greentec you are talking about?? https://extrudr.eu/products/copy-of-extrudr-green-tec-white?variant=15898525254
I will have a look into the Polymaker PC-MAX. Any thoughts on HIPS??
+1 regarding the sandability of white PLA, I noticed that it is a bit easier to sand than natural PLA/PHA from Colorfabb or black PLA
@ neotko: is this the greentec you are talking about?? https://extrudr.eu/products/copy-of-extrudr-green-tec-white?variant=15898525254
Yea sorry forgot to actually put the links
http://www.two-bears.eu/ BioFila Pla-Tec
Extrudr is actually cheaper than bioFila, but I thing BioFila does print a bit more rigid than Green-Tec. Both can be sanded very very very fast. Compared to Pla is 1/10 of the time. Also since resist higher temperatures (110C) you can actually sand it fast without worries about how much heat is the friction doing on the plastic. Ofc I always sand them by hand. Also if you do a light sanding you can get Eco friendly sprays to stick to it without a primer (I use water based spray inks for some of my stuff).
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