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Tips and Tricks: XT with S3D


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Posted · Tips and Tricks: XT with S3D

Hi there folks!

Since I started with Simplify3D, less than a year, I never tryied to print XT. Before with Cura it was a little bit challanger to setup properlly. I loose those profiles but I remembered that it needed to print with more flow (105%?) and I think that temperature was around 255°C to print with 0.1 layer high, right? Retraction I remembered to make some modification but I don't know if I need to keep distance bigger or smaller.

I would like to know if someone has a profile with XT to start with or even some tricks and tip to deal with it. It's actually a Orange Dutch and I need to print it with 0.1 layer high. The object (attached) is thin on the middle-up part and I suppose to laydown temperature a little bit and improve cooling on the top of the buildings

I got a service to print 50 of those business card stand and I need to print it as fast as possible cause deadline is close but I need to keep a good visual as well. It's for the Nederland embassy in Brazil... i have to print other 100 with PLA (on progress). I'm really worry about underextrusion, it's happening when I try to print more than 3. I'm printing 3 by 3.

Any help with will be welcome :)



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    Posted · Tips and Tricks: XT with S3D

    not too much information in colorfabb tips and tricks for XT orange dutch:

    Adviced 3d printing temperature:


    Adviced 3d print speed:

    40 - 70 mm/s

    Advised Heated bed


    Build platform

    For colorFabb_XT we advice to print on a heated bed. After printing, the build plate needs to cool down to about 20-30 C at which point you can remove the printed part.

    ----------------- x ----------------

    XT tends to have underextrusion? Ow fellows, I need to print those stuffs like 15 by once. The situation is tense! I will probably try different process and goes to 0.15 or 0.2... need to talk with my clients to a plan B or maybe print with some hub around in paralel. I think that this art don't need to have to much layers, what they think?

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    Posted · Tips and Tricks: XT with S3D


    I never printed XT, like never so my knowhow is zero :D

    Anyhow... I think the key is

    a) If need's max heat, you need to slow down the mm3

    b) If has underextrusion, maybe there's friction at some point (like the curvature of the bowden, making it harder to print on some areas of the bed than others?)

    c) Maybe the extrusion force is too big, that it slips on the feeder sometimes after a retraction not being able to reposition to the exact point? This is a tricky matter, since depends highly on how much flexibility the filament has, it acts like a spring inside the bowden, making things trickier to control.

    d) I think to keep good adhesion and constant temp, probably you need some kind of door to keep the temperature more stable. Try to put something to block the front of the machine so the heat doesn't scape that fast and inside the printer is more like a little oven from the heat of the bed.

    e) I think the glass must stay 'hot' when the print finish, or the bed glass chips. I seen many posts about this, but I'm not sure. Probably it could be a good idea to add a M140 S32 (I think I remember that's the ok temperature for XT?) at the End of the 'End gcode' tab, that should help when the print finish to avoid chipping the bed glass.

    f) Umm Other idea, maybe run a @ultiarjan print test https://www.youmagine.com/designs/quick-temperature-fillament-test He has a gcode for XT test. That should help finding the 'ok' spot of temperature and speed?

    Sorry I never printed XT :S

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    Posted · Tips and Tricks: XT with S3D

    I printed a bunch of stuff with Colorfabb XT sliced with S3D...and I just took my already tuned S3D profile for PLA and:


    • Cranked up the temperatures according to the tips&tricks page from Colorfabb
    • Turned down fan usage since I read that it was good to not use too much fan or you can have issues with layer adhesion


    That gave me pretty good prints...and I think I was printing at 50 mm/s :)

    The downsides I have seen with XT so far is:


    • It flows more easily than your average PLA so there will be more artefacts to remove...can probably be tuned better...I have since improved my PLA profile so I expect that I can improve the XT profile in the same way
    • It curls upwards on certain overhangs/corners and that seems to be the way this material behaves according to Colorfabb. On the other hand...the one time I really had an issue with it the overhangs were really extreme and I was surprised that the object was actually printable without support :p
    • And yeah...you can easily chip your glass...so try the suggested temperature change in the end gcode...on the other hand...this forced me to switch to regular glass on my bed and now my PLA prints sticks better to the glass than with the one included with the printer :)


    In total I think I have so far printed a spool of XT (bits and pieces in different colors) and I think it's a pretty good material. But given what is on the market now...compared to when I bought my spools...i'm not sure I would have bought XT.

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    Posted (edited) · Tips and Tricks: XT with S3D

    Perfect, really nice help! I will start to deal with XT right now! And I will keep them informed.

    In my first try will be: 0.15 layer, 255°C, 70°C bed, 45mm/s, no fan (I will keep on alert to set it to 50% up to buildings base, like when windows starts to print :p

    Edited by Guest
    included: 45mm/s
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    Posted (edited) · Tips and Tricks: XT with S3D

    260 for first layer (and them 255) and 0,50mm for wipe.

    Only retract when crossing open space

    Force retraction between layers

    Minimum travel for retraction 0,50

    Avoid crossing outline for travel movements

    Let's see. I don't have time to make a temperature test.. so... I will try to fine tune after or manually. First try just 2 of them, like 10g of material

    ------ x -----

    Ok, I'm on a 3rd layer now. for PLA I printed with 2 shells (2x0.4) for XT I increase for 3 shells as people recomended in this topic shared by Netko.

    The right front object doesn't get to much flow on the back, maybe is the bowder tube issue? Like underextrude just on the "back tail" area. I cannot upload a video here and don't took photos, sorry.

    Edited by Guest
    include notes on bottom
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    Posted (edited) · Tips and Tricks: XT with S3D

    After 3 prints I still improving my XT profile... keep in mind that I'm using 0.4 nozzle size, bed 70°C and 0.15 resolution.

    First test:

    I'm printing multiple objects, so I tryed 40mm/s and 255°C to avoid underextrusion but, for this thin 3d object, cause me a lot of strings in my first try and cause me a lot of pos-processing work. Fan 50% at layer 110 and Wipe 1,00.

    Second test:

    So I reduced temperature to 252°C with 45mm/s speed, no fan and wipe 0,80 - just an experience to check if the letters comes printed better. Less strings here.

    Third test:

    Temp 250°C with 50mm/s, wipe 0,50, no fan. Here (and above) I note some burned dots and also some warping on curved top layers... on travel moviment sometimes the nozzle hit on layers.


    Temp 250°C with 50mm/s, wipe 0,50 and no fan. Created a process 2 to for buildings and increased speed to 52,5mm/s and add a Retraction Vertical Lift of 0,30mm to avoid nozzle to hit warped top layers and maybe stop with burned dots, don't know if it's gonna work. I will keep them informed. Created a third process for the top of buildings with 0.1 resolution, 45mm/s and 248°C and 30% fan. Theeeere we go! :)

    Note: first layers still getting low flow in some areas. I relocated those objects to avoid the front right part of the bed but this issue continuos... it don't ruined my print but it leaves an ugly first layer... I also note some old prints with XT with those same issues. What is the problem here? Friction inside bowder tube or feeder problem? I still with the standart UM2 feeder, printed iRobert+Geek feeder don't assembly yet... this is going to fix the problem?

    Edited by Guest
    add on note: increased speed to 52,5mm/s; add third process on Next
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    Posted · Tips and Tricks: XT with S3D

    After 3 prints I still improving my XT profile... keep in mind that I'm using 0.4 nozzle size, bed 70°C and 0.15 resolution.

    First test:

    I'm printing multiple objects, so I tryed 40mm/s and 255°C to avoid underextrusion but, for this thin 3d object, cause me a lot of strings in my first try and cause me a lot of pos-processing work. Fan 50% at layer 110 and Wipe 1,00.

    Second test:

    So I reduced temperature to 252°C with 45mm/s speed, no fan and wipe 0,80 - just an experience to check if the letters comes printed better. Less strings here.

    Third test:

    Temp 250°C with 50mm/s, wipe 0,50, no fan. Here (and above) I note some burned dots and also some warping on curved top layers... on travel moviment sometimes the nozzle hit on layers.


    Temp 250°C with 50mm/s, wipe 0,50 and no fan. Created a process 2 to for buildings and increased speed to 52,5mm/s and add a Retraction Vertical Lift of 0,30mm to avoid nozzle to hit warped top layers and maybe stop with burned dots, don't know if it's gonna work. I will keep them informed. Created a third process for the top of buildings with 0.1 resolution, 45mm/s and 248°C and 30% fan. Theeeere we go! :)

    Note: first layers still getting low flow in some areas. I relocated those objects to avoid the front right part of the bed but this issue continuos... it don't ruined my print but it leaves an ugly first layer... I also note some old prints with XT with those same issues. What is the problem here? Friction inside bowder tube or feeder problem? I still with the standart UM2 feeder, printed iRobert+Geek feeder don't assembly yet... this is going to fix the problem?

    Hi fergazz

    These are my settings that I used the other day with good results. Bear in mind I have UM2+ and had my extrusion multiplier set to 0.95 instead of 1.

    Also I was only printing at 30mm/s. You could see if these settings work for you and then add more temperature and speed as desired.


    ; G-Code generated by Simplify3D(R) Version 3.1.1
    ; Apr 24, 2017 at 7:07:35 AM
    ; Settings Summary
    ;   processName,Bottom
    ;   applyToModels,Base
    ;   profileName,Ultimaker 2+
    ;   profileVersion,2016-06-08 08:00:00
    ;   baseProfile,
    ;   printMaterial,XT
    ;   printQuality,High
    ;   printExtruders,
    ;   extruderName,Primary Extruder
    ;   extruderToolheadNumber,0
    ;   extruderDiameter,0.4
    ;   extruderAutoWidth,0
    ;   extruderWidth,0.4
    ;   extrusionMultiplier,0.95
    ;   extruderUseRetract,1
    ;   extruderRetractionDistance,4
    ;   extruderExtraRestartDistance,0
    ;   extruderRetractionZLift,0
    ;   extruderRetractionSpeed,1500
    ;   extruderUseCoasting,1
    ;   extruderCoastingDistance,0.5
    ;   extruderUseWipe,0
    ;   extruderWipeDistance,2
    ;   primaryExtruder,0
    ;   layerHeight,0.1
    ;   topSolidLayers,15
    ;   bottomSolidLayers,15
    ;   perimeterOutlines,3
    ;   printPerimetersInsideOut,1
    ;   startPointOption,1
    ;   startPointOriginX,145
    ;   startPointOriginY,0
    ;   startPointOriginZ,187
    ;   sequentialIslands,0
    ;   spiralVaseMode,0
    ;   firstLayerHeightPercentage,200
    ;   firstLayerWidthPercentage,150
    ;   firstLayerUnderspeed,0.5
    ;   useRaft,0
    ;   raftExtruder,0
    ;   raftLayers,3
    ;   raftOffset,3
    ;   raftSeparationDistance,0.14
    ;   raftInfill,85
    ;   disableRaftBaseLayers,0
    ;   useSkirt,1
    ;   skirtExtruder,0
    ;   skirtLayers,1
    ;   skirtOutlines,2
    ;   skirtOffset,2
    ;   usePrimePillar,0
    ;   primePillarExtruder,999
    ;   primePillarWidth,12
    ;   primePillarLocation,7
    ;   primePillarSpeedMultiplier,1
    ;   useOozeShield,0
    ;   oozeShieldExtruder,999
    ;   oozeShieldOffset,2
    ;   oozeShieldOutlines,1
    ;   oozeShieldSidewallShape,1
    ;   oozeShieldSidewallAngle,30
    ;   oozeShieldSpeedMultiplier,1
    ;   infillExtruder,0
    ;   internalInfillPattern,Rectilinear
    ;   externalInfillPattern,Rectilinear
    ;   infillPercentage,90
    ;   outlineOverlapPercentage,35
    ;   infillExtrusionWidthPercentage,100
    ;   minInfillLength,1
    ;   infillLayerInterval,1
    ;   infillAngles,45,-45
    ;   overlapInfillAngles,0
    ;   generateSupport,0
    ;   supportExtruder,0
    ;   supportInfillPercentage,40
    ;   supportExtraInflation,0
    ;   denseSupportLayers,0
    ;   denseSupportInfillPercentage,70
    ;   supportLayerInterval,1
    ;   supportHorizontalPartOffset,0.3
    ;   supportUpperSeparationLayers,1
    ;   supportLowerSeparationLayers,1
    ;   supportType,0
    ;   supportGridSpacing,4
    ;   maxOverhangAngle,45
    ;   supportAngles,0
    ;   temperatureName,Primary Extruder,Heated Build Platform
    ;   temperatureNumber,0,1
    ;   temperatureSetpointCount,1,1
    ;   temperatureSetpointLayers,1,1
    ;   temperatureSetpointTemperatures,240,70
    ;   temperatureStabilizeAtStartup,1,1
    ;   temperatureHeatedBed,0,1
    ;   temperatureRelayBetweenLayers,0,0
    ;   temperatureRelayBetweenLoops,0,0
    ;   fanLayers,1
    ;   fanSpeeds,0
    ;   blipFanToFullPower,1
    ;   adjustSpeedForCooling,1
    ;   minSpeedLayerTime,15
    ;   minCoolingSpeedSlowdown,20
    ;   increaseFanForCooling,1
    ;   minFanLayerTime,10
    ;   maxCoolingFanSpeed,30
    ;   increaseFanForBridging,1
    ;   bridgingFanSpeed,45
    ;   use5D,1
    ;   relativeEdistances,0
    ;   allowEaxisZeroing,1
    ;   independentExtruderAxes,0
    ;   includeM10123,0
    ;   stickySupport,1
    ;   applyToolheadOffsets,0
    ;   gcodeXoffset,0
    ;   gcodeYoffset,0
    ;   gcodeZoffset,0
    ;   overrideMachineDefinition,1
    ;   machineTypeOverride,0
    ;   strokeXoverride,224
    ;   strokeYoverride,224.9
    ;   strokeZoverride,205
    ;   originOffsetXoverride,0
    ;   originOffsetYoverride,-5.1
    ;   originOffsetZoverride,0
    ;   homeXdirOverride,-1
    ;   homeYdirOverride,-1
    ;   homeZdirOverride,-1
    ;   flipXoverride,1
    ;   flipYoverride,-1
    ;   flipZoverride,1
    ;   toolheadOffsets,0,-5.1|0,0|0,0|0,0|0,0|0,0
    ;   overrideFirmwareConfiguration,1
    ;   firmwareTypeOverride,RepRap (Marlin/Repetier/Sprinter)
    ;   GPXconfigOverride,r2
    ;   baudRateOverride,250000
    ;   overridePrinterModels,1
    ;   printerModelsOverride
    ;   startingGcode,G28 ; home all axes,G1 X20 Y10 F3000 ; bring extruder to front,G92 E0 ; zero the extruded length,G1 Z10 ; lower,G1 E19 F200 ; purge nozzle quickly,G1 E26 F60 ; purge nozzle slowly,G92 E0 ; zero the extruded length again,G1 E-5.5 F400 ; retract,G1 X190 Z0 F9000 ; pull away filament,G1 X210 F9000 ; wipe,G1 Y20 F9000 ; wipe,G1 E0 ; feed filament back
    ;   layerChangeGcode,
    ;   retractionGcode,
    ;   toolChangeGcode,
    ;   endingGcode,G28 X0 ; home the X-axis,M104 S0 ; turn off heaters,M140 S0 ; turn off bed,M84 ; disable motors
    ;   exportFileFormat,gcode
    ;   celebration,0
    ;   celebrationSong,Random Song
    ;   postProcessing,
    ;   defaultSpeed,1800
    ;   outlineUnderspeed,1
    ;   solidInfillUnderspeed,1
    ;   supportUnderspeed,1
    ;   rapidXYspeed,12000
    ;   rapidZspeed,1002
    ;   minBridgingArea,5
    ;   bridgingExtraInflation,0
    ;   bridgingExtrusionMultiplier,1
    ;   bridgingSpeedMultiplier,0.5
    ;   filamentDiameter,2.9
    ;   filamentPricePerKg,46
    ;   filamentDensity,1.04
    ;   useMinPrintHeight,0
    ;   minPrintHeight,17
    ;   useMaxPrintHeight,0
    ;   maxPrintHeight,17
    ;   useDiaphragm,0
    ;   diaphragmLayerInterval,20
    ;   robustSlicing,1
    ;   mergeAllIntoSolid,0
    ;   onlyRetractWhenCrossingOutline,1
    ;   retractBetweenLayers,0
    ;   useRetractionMinTravel,1
    ;   retractionMinTravel,0.02
    ;   retractWhileWiping,0
    ;   onlyWipeOutlines,1
    ;   avoidCrossingOutline,1
    ;   maxMovementDetourFactor,2
    ;   toolChangeRetractionDistance,12
    ;   toolChangeExtraRestartDistance,-0.5
    ;   toolChangeRetractionSpeed,600
    ;   allowThinWallGapFill,1
    ;   thinWallAllowedOverlapPercentage,10
    ;   horizontalSizeCompensation,0

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    Posted · Tips and Tricks: XT with S3D

    Hi fergazz

    These are my settings that I used the other day with good results. Bear in mind I have UM2+ and had my extrusion multiplier set to 0.95 instead of 1.

    Also I was only printing at 30mm/s. You could see if these settings work for you and then add more temperature and speed as desired.


    Thank you so much, appreciate it :)

    Looks nice! Just don't know how to import this code for Simplify3D... How dumb am I? I thinked that it was shered as .FFF

    And... is that for colored XT? I read that translucid XT have diferent settings, is it true?

    I know that UM+2 has some improvements over UM2... improved feeder, bigger voltage... there are other thinks to keep in mind? Like, set to a lower travel speed or someting?

    Today was a terrible day here, I had 2 fail prints (12 stuffs)... windows updated automatically and restarted, I just note it on the second one as it happened when I was in front of PC :angry: ... I lost 12hs and now I'm printing with SD card to make sure it will not happen again. At least I already have 119 of 150 but I lose time and material DAAAAMNNNNNN. I also lose a time lapse video that I was making for those. A day to forgot...

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    Posted · Tips and Tricks: XT with S3D

    Sorry to hear about your terrible day fergazz :(

    I think you might be able to import these settings but if you can't you could just read them and set your settings like that.

    UM2+ is capable of printing much more volume then the UM2 but also mine tends to over extrude when I print XT which is why I set the extrusion multiplyer to less than 1 but you should leave it at 1.

    With those settings I printed out White XT and Black XT which both printed well.

    Good luck.

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    Posted (edited) · Tips and Tricks: XT with S3D

    Hey guys, @Neotko , @Owen , @nilrog , thanks for that!

    I just finishing this work, 150 objects, and they have a large share in the success of this project :)

    After almost 26 profiles tested for 3 filaments: Ultimaker Blue, Colorfabb XT Orange Dutch and Colorfabb Pale Gold (finished :angry:) I'm finally done this job that I will present tomorrow at KingsDay Party :p

    By the way I got a Kicks Ass profile for the Blue PLA by Ultimaker. Nice to print sequencelly with no strings, please note Retraction distance beetwin 5,5 and 6mm. Found an awesome balance of those experiences:








    Edited by Guest
    included print screens; Neotko; included 2 tabs that was missing
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    Posted · Tips and Tricks: XT with S3D

    Thanks for sharing!

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