Not sure what you mean with a reboot. If you can't upgrade the firmware for some reason, you might need to use a recovery image.
If this is the case, @sandervg might be able to help you with that.
Edited by GuestI would like to have the firmware wiped and reinstalled. I cannot get the plastic to adhere, I am unsure if the build plate is level, the print head is crashing into the home position and I am going nuts with the silly chaptcha expiring. I have $4000 machine and materials sunk into something that doesnt work.
DidierKlein 729
I'm assuming that the list of problems you have are not firmware related? (Unless you modified the firmware yourself).
Maybe it's worth trying to figure out what's going on exactly?
The list of issues indeed do not sound like firmware issues. Which firmware version are you using?
Following our assumption that the problems are not firmware related, but most likely calibration or hardware I would recommend to post a new thread here, and write down a precise description of what happens when these issues occur. The more information (and photo's) you provide, the better we will be able to help.
Thank you!
Sounds like you have 2 unrelated issues. Both easy to fix if I understand correctly. Shipping the printer back will risk something else going wrong. I recommend contacting fbrc8 or your supplier and just getting some phone help. However we can help you here on the forum. First issue: "head is crashing into home position".
Is it making a really horrible buzzing/grinding/vibrating noise? If so there is a problem with the x or y limit switch. one test is to push the head around by hand. You can hear it click when it hits the x and y limit switches. It's probably not touching one of them. Usually something needs bending by a tiny tiny amount. Visually looking and feeling where it should touch is usually the solution. Sometimes a limit switch wires falls out. Maybe you should just video what you are talking about. Maybe I am talking about something unrelated to your issue.
Captcha? What are you talking about? The printer has no captcha. Cura has no captcha.
If plastic is not adhering to glass that is definitely a leveling issue. There are many quick solutions. One is to do the Z leveling one more time but skip the paper - level right on the glass. After that plastic will stick much better to the glass. And disable auto leveling. This is just one simple method. There are other ways to get it to stick well to the glass.
Also clean any oil from your fingers off the glass at least once per month.
kmanstudios 1,120
...Also clean any oil from your fingers off the glass at least once per month.
I completely agree.
I clean my plate every time I switch it out with dish soap to cut grease as well as a nice wipe with Isopropyl Alcohol. 99% pure if you can get it to cut down on contaminants. After that, I have taken to using a slurry of PVA to add to stickiness and put a slight barrier between the plate and plastic to keep the plastic from chipping the plate on strong bonding plastics.
Edited by Guestthe website has capcha
how do I do video? files too big to send anyway.
kmanstudios 1,120
Are you asking how to create the video? Hardware, software?how do I do video?
For people to download and review, drop-box, ftp server, etc......files too big to send anyway.
Sounds like you have 2 unrelated issues. Both easy to fix if I understand correctly. Shipping the printer back will risk something else going wrong. I recommend contacting fbrc8 or your supplier and just getting some phone help. However we can help you here on the forum. First issue: "head is crashing into home position".
Is it making a really horrible buzzing/grinding/vibrating noise? If so there is a problem with the x or y limit switch. one test is to push the head around by hand. You can hear it click when it hits the x and y limit switches. It's probably not touching one of them. Usually something needs bending by a tiny tiny amount. Visually looking and feeling where it should touch is usually the solution. Sometimes a limit switch wires falls out. Maybe you should just video what you are talking about. Maybe I am talking about something unrelated to your issue.
Captcha? What are you talking about? The printer has no captcha. Cura has no captcha.
If plastic is not adhering to glass that is definitely a leveling issue. There are many quick solutions. One is to do the Z leveling one more time but skip the paper - level right on the glass. After that plastic will stick much better to the glass. And disable auto leveling. This is just one simple method. There are other ways to get it to stick well to the glass.
Also clean any oil from your fingers off the glass at least once per month.
how do I do video?
Are you asking how to create the video? Hardware, software?
.....files too big to send anyway.For people to download and review, drop-box, ftp server, etc.
is there software I can use to tap into Ultimaker 3 camera?
how do I do video?
Are you asking how to create the video? Hardware, software?
.....files too big to send anyway.For people to download and review, drop-box, ftp server, etc.
kmanstudios 1,120 there software I can use to tap into Ultimaker 3 camera?
That is an interesting question that I cannot answer at this time as I do not use that function.
Edited by Guestis there software I can use to tap into Ultimaker 3 camera?
I recommend using a phone if you have a smart phone. They tend to take very good quality and can do macro. For publishing it I recommend youtube and then add a link to the youtube video in this topic.
But... HOLD THE PHONE SIDEWAYS. Never take vertical videos. Please.
Edited by GuestBut... HOLD THE PHONE SIDEWAYS. Never take vertical videos. Please.
While we patiently wait for hstaub to upload a video so we can help identify the issue, @gr5's comment about no vertical video made me think of this
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gr5 2,293
If your printer is connected to a network that has access to the internet then you can just update it from the menu system already built into the printer.
Or do you want the source code? That is available also.
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