Alright well if someone is willing to print but has non standard hardware let me know and we'll find a way.
Alright well if someone is willing to print but has non standard hardware let me know and we'll find a way.
Something definately went wrong when i tried this (downloading and hitting print) on the UM, i guess that you'd better post the stl files so UM users can create optimized gcodes (in Cura eg)
I would gladly give it a try to, but maybe i don't know gcode well but if its set for 1.75mm filament then wouldn't 3mm filament be way out of whack for it
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IRobertI 521
I can't print as my machine is currently in little pieces but I can say that just grabbing a gcode-file and running it is unlikely to work all that well. Say they used 2.80mm filament and whoever wants to give it a go has 2.95mm filament it will not work. Also, a fine tuned machine isn't all about the mechanical side of things, tweaking settings in software plays a huge part as well.
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