You can bet BB nozzles from your reseller, or from or 3duniverse or a whole suite of resellers. Or I can sell you a 3dsolex core:
You can bet BB nozzles from your reseller, or from or 3duniverse or a whole suite of resellers. Or I can sell you a 3dsolex core:
I'm using solex with .25 on the bay number 1, And I was thinking to put another solex with nozzle .25 for BB. But I read that it will drip.
Another question. if I use the solex I get an error massage from the machin, is there a way to solve that.
Can I use the nozzles forUM 2 with the solex printcore for UM3
Is there a phone number where I can contact you?
Thank you
Antonio Domit
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kmanstudios 1,120
Print core 3? Typo maybe?
The 3D Solex should work just fine for you and allow you to get the hardened nozzles for filaments that would grind a brass nozzle in no time.
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