You should be able to print that part and have it MUCH better.
This is PLA, right? Please verify. Please don't ignore this question and move onto the rest of my topic (this seems to happen a lot to me).
Well it has very little to print on each layer so the nozzle is spending more time touching any given part of the print. Your basic issue is you need more cooling.
1) One way to achieve this goal is to get more fan in there. You are probably already at 100% so if you can get 200% that would help - add more fans, add a desk fan, blow on the damn thing.
2) Another way to improve this is to lower the nozzle temp. 10C at a minimum. Maybe 20C. Try printing 15C cooler or 180C whichever is hotter.
3) Another way - maybe the best way - is to print two of these at once - this lets one part cool a bit while the other is printing. Place them side by side along X axis so that fans travel over the "waiting" part.
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yellowshark 153
Well you probably want to go slower and cooler but without knowing your settings it is difficult to be definite.
Strange though it may sound I had a model with a convex overhang and I found that changing from a 0.4 nozzle to a 0.8 model changed an OK curved overhang to a perfect overhang.
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