I recently printed the Edge540.
Things I leaned so far:
There is no Support needed so please be sure that "support" is disabled. Also, you do not need any Infill...
Those parts are thin/single-wall-prints
There are print profiles provided from 3dlabprint (but for older Cura), which need to be imported in Cura. They bring all the relevant settings so you just have to modify filament diameter and nozzle diameter.
Please also crosscheck the line witdh you selected and compare it to the nozzle diameter - could also be a root cause.
Further, I learned that if I place more than one section the same time, the internal structure of them is likely not recognized correctly.
And finally, as Didier mentioned, please share some screen shots :-)
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DidierKlein 729
Hi and welcome,
Can you post some pictures maybe? Or the file?
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