Hi Nicolinux, thanks for the response. I just put the .gcode into a reader, and can't see a difference. I attached an image incase someone who know more about it than me can spot a problem. The code on the left doesn't work, and the one on the right works fine.
By "nothing happens" basically, I press print, and the printing screen comes on, however, nothing changes. It doesn't home or heat up. It just sits there. Then when I hit stop on the machine, it says stop command has failed. I have to manually turn of the printer in order to do anything.
I'm not sure how to generate an empty .gcode but I'm happy to try if I can figure out how to write one.
Edited by Almatron
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Nicolinux 288
Hi and welcome to the forums.
Did you compare the old (and working) .gcode files and the newly generated one? Do the headers look different or are there any missing commands for heating up the nozzle?
When you say "nothing happens" - does the printer not react at all when you start the print or does it skip right to the end of print routine and possibly homes the head? Admitedly I know nothing about your printer hardware but since you are familiar with it, you can judge if the printer can't read the .gcode file or if something simmilar happens.
Have you tried to create an empty .gcode file and start to print it? Does the printer behave the same as with the newly generated (and not working) .gcode files?
There are several gcode readers available. You could load the non working .gcode files and see if the print preview works. Personally I am using the IdeaMaker software as my default gcode viewer on the Mac (because it starts faster than Cura and doesn't mess with the Cura settings if I am currently working with it).
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