@Msuurmond is our product owner, so he can give a definitive answer.
I can answer the developer license thing; you don't need one. I think you can also use the icon, but I'm not a 100% sure about that one.
@Msuurmond is our product owner, so he can give a definitive answer.
I can answer the developer license thing; you don't need one. I think you can also use the icon, but I'm not a 100% sure about that one.
Awesome, nice work!
- Yes you can use the Cura icon.
- You don't need a developers license only a license for your plugin (e.g. LGPL)
- We would really like to add this to the ToolBox: https://github.com/Ultimaker/Cura/wiki/Plugin-Directory
Was this plugin ever made available? I would really be interested in using it for direct exporting from Solid Edge to Cura.
I didn't hear anything about it, so I guess not.
If the OP would post his source code then maybe someone here would be able to compile it and add it to the Cura toolbox...
Hello jkcz,
I never published the plugin because I had a lot of problems creating an Installer, in particulary some antivirus programms do not allow to edit the Registry. However if you like to use the plugin send me a message and I will send you the plugin, but the installer might not work. (depending on the antivirus programm you are using)
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@nallath - who should this guy contact?
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