Sorry. Can you be more specific. what is the solution's product name? I am talking about the solution required to dissolve the PVA supports. Is this the most eco-friendly option for dissolving supports?
Oh, sorry. You can just use regular tap water to dissolve PVA. I don't think we have an MSDS for water.
Sounds great. I did not realize there was support material that dissolved in 100% water - awesome. What support material is required for PC and please provide a good description of the solvent required to dissolve that support material (or a link to its MSDS). Thanks.
Not sure about PC but another support material that is used sometimes is HIPS. The material used to dissolve this is Limonene. This is far less friendly to use than water. Unfortunately, we don't stock this material and therefore we also don't have an MSDS for it.
Sounds like PC is not commonly printed on an Ultimaker machine? This is not entirely a game-stopper for me but is something I need to consider. Thanks for your help.
@Bruce845 PC or Polycarbonate can be printed on the Ultimaker but is not intended as a dissolvable support material. It is meant to be used to create parts.
PVA is a dissolvable support material.
HIPS is a dissolvable support material
break away" is meant as a non-dissolvable support material.
kmanstudios 1,120
20 hours ago, gr5 said:break away" is meant as a non-dissolvable support material.
With PC, this would be my choice. While I have printed PC with PVA, the temperature difference made it burn a bit and leave black spots on the print.
Will Ultimaker machines run Infinity Rinse-Away supports?
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SandervG 1,522
I think you should be able to find what you need via this link
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