Additionally I found this for Inventor, maybe it helps:
Quoteadjust the "Normal Deviation" in options when exporting
Additionally I found this for Inventor, maybe it helps:
Quoteadjust the "Normal Deviation" in options when exporting
I was about to suggest the same, that is probably it. Good luck and let me know how you fixed it exactly ?
Might be helpful for others too!
RSA Drue did this solve your helical to round problem? I am experiencing the same thing. If it worked what exactly did you have to do? I see that the default setting is the Brep and there are options for high, medium low and custom under the STL save as options in the surface resolutions category. Which did you use and what setting did you slide the slider to under normal deviation? Thanks
As said before, it are the STL-export settings that you need to adjust. An STL-file only consists of triangles, thus with straight edges. It has no curves. So all curves need to be aproximated by lots of small triangles.
If you would be using DesignSpark Mechanical as CAD-program, set the options for STL-export to "Fine". This will create more polygons and give a smoother shape.
If they would be on "coarse", you would get this sort of crude shapes, due to not enough triangles.
Don't set the export resolution higher than you need. If you set it extremely fine, it causes very huge STL-files with zillions of triangles.
use the IPT plugin from the marketplace and it stays round no adjusting of settings needed
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Smithy 1,146
It has nothing to do with Cura, you have to look in your CAD application and look if you can set to use more polygons for the export.
Even if the object looks round, it is made from a lot of polygons and when exporting with "rough" settings, this is the result in Cura.
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RSA_Drue 0
Thank you Smithy
ill have a look, much appreciated.
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