5 minutes ago, Julian2801 said:Which 3D Printer do you have?
I have an Anet A6
Could be also under extrusion. For your Anet A6 I found this, maybe this is also the root cause for your problem:
QuoteThe Net A6 comes partly assambled by the manufacturer. One issue that sometimes occurs is that the gear in the extruder-head, that feeds the filament into the extruder, is not fastened as it should be. The prints are good in the beginning, but over time, the screws come loose and the gear moves over to the side. It then loosens its grip on the filament and cannot push it into the extruder head. It can easily be solved by removing the fan, fastening the screws inside and reattaching the fan. The printer now works great again.
Source: https://www.3dhubs.com/talk/t/brittle-pla-prints-solved/13120
Edited by Smithy
22 minutes ago, Smithy said:Could be also under extrusion. For your Anet A6 I found this, maybe this is also the root cause for your problem:
Yes i red this too. If it keeps hapening even with the doors open i will try that. But for now it is printing fine, only when it becomes to warm it seems to be happening
Edited by Nielski55
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